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~Guanja's Kindred Spirits:

acidtrance; Agent S; akone1; anarak; autoracefan; Auzs; babyii; backroads; baog; BBQQ66; Beatle1; beausoleil; beemal; Bertrand; bigbare; bianca22; Bilbobaggins; bingo91; boltman; BonBonHy; bond_james_bond_007; Boofty; bottle_of_rum; Bouy; boykie; Brightfire; cabs; caitlin5; cartman KY; Captain Mallory; Celestial Son; CHEERSRAY; cheyennebaby; chione; chugger; circa_guest; cracker_22; creech; crusti; deac6; Dee_033; Devil_Straun; digfy; dr_africa; dissephi; dogo1; Dollyangel; donlee; earthling; ebony; EdgeRunner (Penman); elite; eonstar; excelerant; faultycpu; faxcat; FDL_SHINNOB; free2live; Fielder; Fox McCloud; Freakish; G8keepR; gabbygirl; Game Over - GO; garfield29; gattling; gianluca_65; gigi041; gmajor; Grey Wanderer; Gilgalad; girl_friday; Goddess; ~goofy_guest~ (a.k.a. ~pinky~); gt350; gypsy56; HAEDI; HDcrash98; here2talk; honibee; Hunter; ibluebyu; ICYCUBE; jabirf (~parrot~); JAMAL; jazzmen; jackrabbit5; jthebear; kingkal; kuseven30; Lady in Blue; lenamaru; LexiLee; liker; Love Hurts; lutenist; malk; malvolio; Manfred1968; marshn (One Who Sings); Medicine; Megaburn; MercWolf/Belldandy; -Metis-; Mika; Miteo; monalisa; mshroom; mushki; mux; naomi; Nenemoosha1 (nene); nightinvader; Ninjaspirits; Ntu Mfinga; odla; olethors; Opel; o_wizard; Oyaji; paulkin1; patrau; peaceprism; Phaze; picasso; pinkangel; Pipoli; P¡ÞÞÕ; playful4u2; pleased; PoisonIvy3; PolarWolf; -pokey-; Polgara2; Þnût; Psychobabbler; QueenFe; rabatt ~!!~; Rage; Rankor; Ras_Earl; RAVENHAWK3; Rich Nelson; Ringgold; rizod; Rocky; rogoose_guest; Rutter; sandman38; serena2U; sharica; sheeva__1; Shiver; shobeian; Sire_1; Sioux1_; sorella; spirit song; SPAZZ; starauz; starhoku (hoku_guest); Starlord; Stealth; tbonz; tcnz; thia38; tigger_007; trevelin; tuck616; TurKo; valleysgirl; WA_COWGIRL; watcheer; wen_dee; wind_chimes; wrooster; Yulipe_San; zakzouka; ZedStyle; Zee_Zee; Zobedia; zilverenmist

~May my muteness be perceived as acceptance of you~
~spirit song

Please forgive me if I've overlooked you ... just pull my av the next time you see me!!  ~smile~

~Whisper Softly Kindred Spirit~

Whisper softly kindred spirit,
To the secrets of the heart.
The truth is a better sheild,
Then any kind of armor.

Allow no darkness to come from you,
Instead reflect it back to the source.
Walk in the light of peace,
And peace is upon you.

We follow the river of spiritual renewel,
Time and distance will not change our hearts.
We are survivors with a quest for truth,
A quest for abundant knowledge.

Ancient traditions and cultures we are,
Easily camouflage by those who choose not to see.
Walk in the manner of HIS name,
And all is revealed nothing is hidden.

Walk with me in the spirit of LOVE,
And my words and deeds speak of PEACE.



AcidTrance's Movie Avatars & Gestures
Angel Sites by thia38
Bilbo & Charlee's Avatars
bingo91's poems
~Brothers and Sisters of Africa~ by Polgara2
~Crazy Horse~ by spirit song
EdgeRunner (Penman)
~Foolish Hearts~ by malvolio
Game Over
Game Over - GO
He Answered My Prayer, But! by tcnz
Majeed Images Website
~~Love Garden~~ by Sioux1
Love Hurts (my cyber son)
Love Hurts-A Song for the Net Friends
Lovely Ladies AVS Painting by cheyennebaby
~One Who Sings~
A Pilots Bond by bingo91
PiPpO'z WoRLd
~Poems and Songs by Kindred Spirits~
~Questions of Love~ by Ras_Earl
~!Rabatt's Home!~
The Rainbow of Hawai`i by serena2U
Rani'z Home
~She Rose From The Ocean~ by monalisa
X Roads
~Zobedia's AV Rose Garden~

More links by ~Guanja's Kindred Spirits can be found at:
~whisper softly ciao baby~

How Are You My Love?

Why would you imagine that I would ever not love you?
When the wind blows,
I give you a shawl.
When the rain makes you wet,
I dry you with the winds of love.
Love me my dear one,
Your heart is the strength that gets me through.


May you acknowledge the voice within, And harken to its power and wisdom.  (Mary Summer Rain)

~Ayor anosh'ni my brothers and sisters~
~whisper softly ciao baby~

~G's Circles

~~~Into the Smoke~~~

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You are Kindred Spirit

March 10, 1998