waiting for the bus
the faded aluminum of a coca-cola can
is tarnishing against the orange dirt
by the bus stop where i wait
poised in a cranny of earth
balancing my feet and my hips just right
like rock salt on the edge of a margarita
there is an empty soiled envelope
with black ball point announcing "dinero"
in script lettering,
shuffled among the blades of grass.
ants crawl over everything-
the cigarette butts, used tissues, and rinds of food.

i blow smoke from my mouth in a certain line
my lips pressed against the filter, the future of my death.
i know.
i know the risks.

my eyes feel dirty and my skin feels
worn through someone else.
young girls in new cars drive by without looking
and the pussy hunting jungle beat of
a brown boy's black jeep blares at me
roars across the median like thunder,
like it wants to eat me.
i wonder if he ever had coal in his stocking.

i am waiting for the bus,
picking at weeds
and the dirt on my shoes, pushing my hair
from my damp forehead,
applying chapstick and sweating into my shirt.
the bus arrives furiously, buzzing tires and screeching as the doors
open to swallow me, bring me to one more place i do not belong.
copyright EAK 1998
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Email: elmosg@hotmail.com