Pulled From a Source

--inspired by a picture in Huston Smith's World Religions--

Pg. 159 “Meditation in a mosque in Asuan, Egypt”

Anyone pulled from a source longs to go back -Rumi

It is light and morning.

These moments are muscles
working down the lean
of dawn.

Every sea of solitude
begins with a storm
Every stem of satisfaction
begins with the warmth of birth

the UnEarthed

catalogue of
All sources

Sort them
to short
of bliss

And this illuminati
flows and flushes out the fire of fear

Extrapolates the me
from the we
that this breathing relieves
Know that one
is just the sum
of you and none

and God
is that eternal circle
in your palm

And your twisted legs straighten the heart
And your hardest cries strengthen the shadow
which can only exist within the light.

And the light
is the source
and the source
is the light,

and the darkness leads
you to distinguish
the flame.

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