Parott in the Oven

I’m a parrot in the oven
above your simplicity
tells me all about
how to be above
the person I am.

And the simple fact
of the matter is
I’m baking
in this heat
broiling my own flesh
i thought it was yours
but this has ended up mine
in the course of things
all along, simple in this skin

and what i really mean is
“i love you” and all of that
but what i really mean
is that i never really know
the sun
is coming
up tomorrow

and this day
is the strangest
microcosmic moment
of the hour
all about
here and now
and then and again
we’re moving
and the truth of it all is
no one
knows the time
it takes
to heal intrigue and doubt
and hard and fast meldswithslownadsoft
so don’t figure in the significance of sorrow
because it doesn’t really matter
what you feel, only what is now.
at least that’s what
i tell

copyright eak 2003

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