midnight in virginia
It's midnight and I can't see the moon in Virginia
The smoke from my cigarette reluctant to dissipate
In the tangible, damp air
Threatening rain or thunderstorms
It will be even hotter tomorrow
I sit down in the street, stand, pace, watch
Windows left ajar
I hear cars a ways down the road
And I move my body to the calm curb,
Pitter-patter of the sprinkler at my back.
My shimmering skin invisible in the dark street
And lightening bugs flashing on and off
Like emotion.
Inside, my room burns hotter and hotter from candles
One by one, I bury the wicks in a temporary death
I right myself in my princess bed
And write for a sanction
For the moon
Because it's impossible
To still my heart.

copyright 1998 eak return to index of poems

Email: elmosg@hotmail.com