i can't imagine you
with your hair shorn
reminders of length lying
in clumps around her porcelain bathroom sink
and your disheveled mind tumbling over and over
they tell me 3000 miles away
you are naked and raving
lying on a wooden table
and sometimes your arms are strapped
around your chest
i can only estimate the length and width and height
of your jail cell
and the prison of your turmoil
these miles tie my hands from cradling your head
the distance and the concrete seperating the two of us
i want to peice you back together, to give
my courage, my devotion, and my strength and passion
to make you well.
yesterday you thought you were Jesus Christ
and the day before you had a cure for AIDS
and now you are Luke Skywalker, Bono Dreamwalker
signing release forms with skewed perceptions.
there is something haywire in the your light
as it filters through a blurred lens
we always thought i would be the one to rage
and bellow and tear my heart out
i would be the girl who no one could reach
in an abyss of confusion
and i wish it wasme with shaking limbs and cracking knuckles.
i want to quiet your hands, your heart, your torture.
if i could fill your body with sunlight,
i would.
copyright EAK 1998

Email: elmosg@hotmail.com