conversations with the moon

always these late night trysts to the back porch
chainsmoking, writing poetry and wishing for the 1993 fantasy
of boy and girl fall in love through friendship
my thirteen year old mentality of emotion
counting back the hearts crumbled
including mine
i have so many pieces of people across my body
crowning my fingers, my wrists and my ankles
Courtney near my fractured left arm
Se'a on my middle finger and thumb
Venice Beach with my parents
and the art and wine festival with my sister
on my right hand
Jennifer around my neck.
these two thirty a.m. conversations with the moon
gather my intentions for the moment and solidify
my dreams. i always see a ring around that crater filled tide puller,
a glimmer of rainbow light.
the nights now have a nip to the air and i stretch
my gray hooded sweatshirt over my head and tell liesp to people, tell lies to myself
little half truths of happiness
no part of this house belongs to me. i am
a visitor in their castle, the heaven that once stood
for my haven.
copyright EAK 1998
index, index, index
