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Operator Guidlines

Channel Operator Guidelines

General Info:

1.Channel Description: A hangout and chat channel for fans, and writers of Scifi/Fantasy

2.Channel Administration:

Wyzaz 500
Lucykins 499
Fawnn 498
Bunnycat 498
Tegan 400

3. Special Advisors:

[King] 450
Lurquer 450
Tornado 399

4.Default Channel Settings:

+n strictop (+t optional)
Colors: Minimal
Popups:allowed when channel is not busy
Language: English only

Conduct of Operators:

1. Ops will try to set an example of behavior for other channel members. This includes:

a) Being courtious and helpful to all in the channel
b) Keeping channel/personal politics out of the channel window
c) Working as a team with other ops/admins
d) Using whatever means they feel nessesary to protect other users in the channel from undue harrassment.
e)Trying to have fun in the process

2.Absolute Channel No-No's

a) ICMP/CTCP or any other Denial of Service attack on any other undernet user while you are in the channel will result in permanent removal from the userlist, and quite likely you will be banned from the channel indefinitly. What you do outside the channel is your business, we just don't wanna know about it.

b)Ops do not kick other ops other than for test purposes (testing kick aliases etc), and even in that case, never when the channel is busy. (kicking ghosts is ok)

c)No bots are allowed in the channel without prior approval. The only bots currently allowed in the channel other than X are AnothrSvr, and Krazykat. The owners of these bots ([King] and Tornado) have complete authority over their use regardless of your access. If these bots are mis-behaving do not kick them. Simply deop them, and put them on your ignore list to avoid "please op the bot msgs" and contact either a channel admin, or email the bot's owner. These email address can be found by /msg help. (Note: PiNkY is NOT a bot)

d)Abuse of X will not be tolerated. Complaints from Cservice will result in suspension or removal of op status.

e)Anyone entering the channel that is currently in a channel that deals with teen/preeteen sex are to be immedietly kick/banned. Those in adult sex channels should be messeged politely to return when they are not in those channels.

General Conduct:

a)Love whoever you like, but if it get's explicit, or mushy, it must be done in dcc/msg

b)Excessive repeats/Caps are not allowed

c)a/s/l is annoying, and should be kept in #funfactory and other lame pickup channels

d)the unofficial rating for the channel is PG14 so make sure you know who's in there before tackling explicit subject matter, as may pop up in this genre

e)Do not taunt, and goad people until they become angry, then kick them just because they get upset, or because they disagree with you on a personal matter.

f)Treat other channel operators as equals, regardless of weather or not you have a greater access level. On the same note, the decisions of those with higher access are expected to be respected.

g)Ops should not use ignore on channel users. This makes them deaf to whatever that person does in the channel, and makes the whole purpose of a channel operator redundant.

h)Always log the channel to provide a backup for your version of events.

i)Although we are open to reasonable discussion, the decisions of the channel manager, and administrators are final.


a)Don't waste time thinking that by giving an obvious trouble-maker a whole bunch of warnings, you will magicly reform them. This never works, and only serves to annoy and alienate other users. If they are being a pain to people, and serving no useful purpose, either silence them (ban without kick) or boot their arse outta there so that those who are behaving can enjoy themselves.

b)Kicks are not used as warnings. If it's to the point of kicking the person, make sure they stay out. With auto-rejoin, the person does not even leave the channel long enough to know they've been kicked. Use kick/ban, and put a temporary ban on the user. Enter all non-temporary bans in X (Anothrsvr automaticly clears channel bans after 2hrs that are not entered in X)

c)If someone is being kicked for a minor thing like Caps or repeats, try not to use kick messages that compare them to the rear entrancway of any animal, nor fecal material.

d)If ever a domain ban is set, (ie: *@* email myself and at least 1 of the channel admins directly, as well as the channel ops mailing list ( to inform them of the situation, and the reasons behind it.

e)Bans set by other ops, regardless of their access should not be removed without their consultaion. For this reasons, all bans set through X should have a reason attached. If the person banned is a regular in the channel, an short note should be sent to the ops mailing list.

f)Auto-kicks are to be used sparingly, and should not set bans over 2hrs.


All additions to the userlist must have approval of the channel manager. This does not include fixing users who's user@host has changed. Although to confirm the user's identity before doing this, make sure they can prove who they are.


No restrictions other than the following:

-Keep it within the realm of good taste
-Do not use the topic to leave personal messages. (Birthday/Congratulatory Msgs are ok)

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