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The Officers


Writer, graphic artist, and channel chef. Ruin's own recipe,S5 ("Saute`d Space Spam Served on a Springy Spork") is not only a #Science_Fiction channel delicacy, but one of the most feared weapons in the known universe. When not fighting off aliens with sticks and spam, Ruin fills the task of being the channel's expert on all things animated. He is rumored to have originated in the Floridian system, though when off-duty here, he resides on the #Authors homeworld.


Unknown species who wanders the galaxy, randomly singing karaoke tunes. All attempts at further investigation of this creature have been unsuccessful. Approach with caution, as it's moods vary wildly, although gifts of flowers, and currency never hurt.


Despite our best attempts at envious sabotage, Kurt our resident celebrity. Lead writer for MINDPROBE, a new series forthcoming on The Sci-Fi Channel, and author of numerous scifi/fantasy stories. His award-nominated work has appeared in a range of magazines and anthologies, including Odyssey, Speculations, and the Arthurian collection, THE CHRONICLES OF THE ROUND TABLE. Watch for his audio play "Herd Mentality" on the Sci-Fi Channel's Seeing Ear Theater in 1998. Don't feel bad about cursing him for his success, he really doesn't mind.


While Tegan may be our channel's bovine expert, there is nothing that {giggles} doesn't know about cats. Frequently accompnied by her two companions, Comet, and Sourcream, {giggles} is the the galaxy's leading sender of email greeting cards. While friendly, and fun-loving, this creature is armed with a razor-sharp wit that can slice through you faster than a lightsaber.(Don't say we didn't warn you!)


When not inhabiting her shack by the sea, karinga can be seen wandering into the channel late at night and putting a smile on everyone's face. (At 5am it's usually me and X). While not a writer of scifi, her character has appeared in at least one published scifi story so far. You'll have to buy the book to find out which one though....


Filling the important role of the channel's chief laundry officer, redone can be found handing out towels to all who enter the channel. If this is your second or later visit, and you have forgotten to bring a towel, you can expect to hear from her. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, you'll have to ask her....I'm not sure I do myself.

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