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On The Bridge

The Bridge


The Fearless* captain of the channel. wyzaz is a science fiction writer from Canada's west coast, and writes regular scifi features for a Malaysian teen magazine. He is a HUGE fan of Issac Asimov, and an authority on early science fiction authors. He can also be found haunting #authors #brisbane #bunnyland #writers #userguide #ZT etc... (*Note on definition of "Fearless":This includes everything EXCEPT moths. Please do not bring such evil creatures into the channel.)


First Mate, and head bartender of the channel. PiNkY is known and feared throughout the galaxy as "PiNkY ThE pRoDdEr". As she roams the stars looking for victims, those who know better walk in constant fear of her blood-curdling "MEOW!", which signals her often sudden attacks. What many don't know however, is that PiNkYs who are raised in captivity are also hard working, as can be observed as she waits tirelessly on visitors entering her home system in the #Brisbane sector.


Bunnycat is the gentle, fun-loving queen of the sunny, whimsical, carefree world of #bunnyland. It's no surprise that the Bunnycat race is known as the friendliest in the galaxy. She is the channel's "spiritual advisor", filling our IRC hours with sunshine and happiness. Also a great poet and songwriter, and a Web designer without whom this page could not have been done until 2250 A.D.


Empress Supreme of the #Authors homeworld. This award-winning writer has been called "The Muse of the Galaxy", and when not writing, or presiding over the minions in her kingdom, can be found greeting new visitors to our channel, or spreading her words and others throughout cyberspace with her soon-to-be award-winning "Blue Rose Bouquet" E-Zine.


Despite their high cost per unit, it never hurts to have a tegan on board. A strange creature, they are probably best known for their knowlage of galactic livestock. Our tegan (THE Tegan)serves as the channel's communications officer, in charge of the critical mailing list. One odd feature of a tegan, is their ability to exist in the anti-matter form. It is not uncommon to see a naget wandering in and out of the channel.

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