Young Chi Mai made a cake for the people at the pagoda.
   She wore a new dress, so happy, overflowing with joy!
      Some people thought she was soon to be married.
A bright flower in the middle of the war,
   along with all the other innocents,
      she told noone of her plan.
Later, a monk found the note which read:
   "Tommorrow I burn myself.  Don't worry, peace will come soon."
Her body was found kneeling before two statues:
   one of Mary, the mother of Jesus,
      the other of Quan Te Am, the Bodhisattva of compassion.
Someone called it a barbeque.

Not everyone understands 
   what it means to love one's enemies.
Not everyone understands
   what it means to lay down one's life for one's friends.

Just who is it?
   Who listens
      to our 

The One
