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 Welcome to CMT

We do: precision plastic injection molds, injection molding, and any other kinds of molding that Continental Mold Technology., located in Montreal, Canada can provide.

  • Engineering and Design Services
An experienced staff of designers leads CMT through detailed three-dimensional mold designs. Capable of intricate concepts and new innovations, our designers lead the way for molding solutions.
  • Quality Mold-Making 
Experienced mold making and modern equipment combine to make CMT a first class mold-making company. Dozens of high quality molds are made each year for a variety of industries. Gages and other quality tooling are made to tolerances as tight as  .0001/inch.
  • Plastic Injection Molding
CMT specializes in molding small components. From small quantities to high volume, CMT can support your piece part needs.

Webmaster Sam Elbatnigi

This Web Site was designed by D.Chaloupov