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Ships of the Series

USS Enterprise, Constitution-class, registry number NCC 1701
Launched in 2245 from the San Francisco Yards orbiting Earth and first commanded by Captain Robert April, then by Captain Christopher Pike. Captain James T. Kirk gained command of the ship from 2264 to 2269. In 2270, it underwent a complete overhaul. Major systems were upgraded, a new bridge installed and the warp nacelles were replaced(Star Trek: The Motion Picture). The ship was destroyed just prior to its scheduled retirement in 2285 by James Kirk in order to prevent it from falling into Klingon hands during a rescue mission to recover the body of Captain Spock(Star Trek III: The Search for Spock).

USS Enterprise-A, Constitution-class, registry number NCC 1701-A
The second Federation starship to bear the name, the Enterprise-A was placed under the command of James Kirk in appreciation of saving Earth from an alien space probe(Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home). It was rushed into service in early 2287 to intervene in a hostage situation at Nimbus III. The Enterprise-A and her crew were instrumental in completing the historic Khitomer peace conference which ended hostilities between the Federation and the Klingon Empire. The ship was scheduled to be decommissioned shortly after the conference.

USS Enterprise-D, Galaxy-class, registry number NCC 1701-D
The fifth Federation starship to bear the name was launched in 2363 from Utopia Planitia Yards orbiting Mars. It was placed under the command of Captain Jean-Luc Picard on a mission of deep-space exploration and diplomacy. It was the first to encounter the Borg after an intervention by Q and it led to a massive defence mounting by the Federation. It was destroyed in 2370 by a rogue Klingon bird-of-prey after the shield harmonics were discovered. The Enterprise-D managed to destroy the Klingon ship with a volley of torpedoes but had to abandon the stardrive section of the ship. The warp core breached and the resulting shockwave caused the saucer section to crash onto the world of Veridian III(Star Trek VII: Generations). The ship was unsalvageable and so a new Enterprise was constructed.

USS Enterprise-E, Sovereign-class, registry number NCC 1701-E
Launched in 2371 from Starbase 12 shipyards, it was initially put under the command of Morgan Bateson for the shakedown cruise. Unfortunately, it was captured by Bateson's enemy, a Klingon by the name of Kozara. The ship hurtled through space intent on causing mass destruction to Cardassia Prime. Jean-Luc Picard, already in Cardassian territory rescuing POW's, commandeered several freighters and Cardassian patrol ships to oppose the Enterprise-E. Kozara gave up the ship after realizing what he was doing wasn't honourable. A year later, the Borg again tried to invade Earth(Star Trek VIII: First Contact). The Enterprise-E was ordered to patrol the Romulan Neutral Zone instead of defending against the Borg because Starfleet Command didn't have confidence in Jean-Luc Picard, who was once captured by the Borg. He disobeyed orders and ended up saving the day....and history(watch the movie, you'll understand then). Later, a dying race asks the Federation to capture a planet that holds a "fountain of youth"(Star Trek IX: Insurrection). Unfortunately, it means killing or moving the current inhabitants. In order to save the inhabitants, Jean-Luc Picard may have to commit treason and take up arms against Starfleet.

USS Defiant, Defiant-class, registry number NX 74205
Original ship and prototype, the Defiant project started after the Enterprise-D encountered the Borg for the first time. It was not completed before the Battle of Wolf 359. If it was, the battle may have had a different outcome. Less than one year after the Borg ship was destroyed, the Defiant was completed in its secret shipyards facility on Utopia Planitia, Mars. It is a very powerful vessel and the Federation even convinced the Romulans to outfit it with a cloaking device. It was stationed at Deep Space 9 under the command of Captain Benjamin Sisko. The Defiant ventured through the Bajoran Wormhole to the Gamma Quadrant to talk to the leaders of the Dominion, the Founders. The ship was almost destroyed in that encounter and made it back to Deep Space 9. When DS9 had to be abandoned during the war with the Dominion, the Defiant was instrumental in retaking the station. Sadly, the Defiant was destroyed by the Breen in an attempt to retake the Chin'Toka system.
USS Defiant-A, Defiant-class, registry NCC 74205-A
Originally designated the USS Sao Paulo, this ship was delivered to Deep Space 9 to be placed under the command of Captain Benjamin Sisko. Starfleet issued orders to allow Sisko to rechristian the ship Defiant. The ship played a big part in driving the Dominion back to Cardassia Prime, where it surrendered. A peace treaty is now in effect between the Federation and the Dominion. The new Defiant is currently stationed at Deep Space 9.

USS Voyager, Intrepid-class, registry number NCC 74656
Launched in 2371, it was placed under the command of Captain Kathryn Janeway. Built to be very maneuverable, Voyager's first mission was to hunt down a Maquis fighter that had attacked a Cardassian settlement. It was mysteriously lost with all hands aboard. In reality, the ship was transported by the Caretaker to the Delta Quadrant some 70,000 light-years away. Destroying the Caretaker device saved the Ocampan race from danger but also stranded Voyager and the Maquis ship in the Delta Quadrant. The two crews merged and tried to find a way home. During some battles with the Borg, they picked up Seven-of-Nine and she was integrated into the crew. Kes evolved and as she departed, transported them past Borg space, a distance of over 10,000 light-years. Then they found another Federation starship whose crew was killing aliens to enhance their warp drive in order to get home. The upcoming season will finish the story.

Other Enterprises

USS Enterprise-B, Excelsior-class, registry number NCC 1701-B
The third starship to bear the name, it was placed under the command of Captain Jon Harriman. The Enterprise-B was rushed into service on her test voyage to answer two distress calls(Star Trek VII: Generations). It managed to save some of the El-Aurians trapped on one of the two vessels, but the other was lost with all hands. James Kirk appeared to have been killed when sucked into space when the hull breached. In fact he was saved by the energy ribbon that destroyed the two El-Aurian vessels. Nothing more is known on the Enterprise-B, but a future movie may depict its history.

USS Enterprise-C, Ambassadorclass, registry number NCC 1701-C
The fourth starship to bear the name, it was placed under the command of Captain Rachel Garrett, the first female captain of an Enterprise. The Enterprise-C was lost and presumed destroyed near Narendra III in 2344. In that year, this ship responded to a distress call from the Klingon outpost on Narendra III. The outpost was under a massive Romulan attack. During the battle, a torpedo explosion opened a temporal rift, and the Enterprise-C was sent some 22 years forward in time. This proved to be a key point in history. With the ship gone from "normal" timeline, the Federation and the Klingon empire became engaged in a war. The Enterprise-C emerged in 2366 and encountered the Enterprise-D. It was determined that the Enterprise-C had to be returned to its proper place in history in order to avoid the war with the Klingons. Once the ship was returned to its virtual suicide mission at Narendra III, history was restored. This sacrifice by the Federation became a key point in peace and the Khitomer Accords alliance between the Federation and the Klingon Empire.