* This isn't all of Phase 2, there is a couple more.

We are the bladers of the next generation. We shall cease and overcome all the obstacles that try to stop us. We skate for our sake to have fun. We expand everyday and everytime we do our group gets stronger and stronger. We have the ability to bring this new sport into other people's lives. We stick together no matter what happens. We will exist every generation after another. We are Phase 2.


Name: Ben Alcober
Age: 15 for now
Height/Weight 6'0 and about 135 pounds
Date of Birth: July 26, 1984
Skates: Rollerblade, Edward's Chocolate
Favorite Skater: Chris Edwards
Favorite Trick: backside and regular farvegneugen
My Best Tricks: 270 switch backside alley-oop unity,
alley-oop fishbrain, and switch topside soyale
Sponsors: None


Name: Oliver Suba
Age: 15 for now
Height/Weight 5'8 and about 140 pounds
Date of Birth: unknown
Skates: Rollerblade, Dirks
Favorite Skater: Randy Spizer
Favorite Trick: Negative mistrial
My Best Tricks: Negative acid, negative alley-oop
miszou, and rough grind
Sponsors: None


Name: Rey Hererra
Age: 15 for now
Height/Weight 5'6 and about unknown pounds
Date of Birth: unknown
Skates: Salomon ST8
Favorite Skater: Jon Ortiz
Favorite Trick: Sidewalk
My Best Tricks: Alley-oop sidewalk, alley-oop sunny day,
and 270 backside switch alley-oop unity
Sponsors: None


Name: Travis Andrews
Age: 15 for now
Height/Weight 5'9 and about unknown pounds
Date of Birth: unknown
Skates: Salomon ST9
Favorite Skater: Mike Scott
Favorite Trick: Topside Soul
My Best Tricks: unknown
Sponsors: None

Want to join Phase 2? If you want to join Phase 2 you must have your own group of bladers of about 3 or more and willing to send pics of everyone in your group whether it is just a picture of the whole group, or seperate pics, even pics of you guys bustin out the tricks. Just mail me if you are willing to join.

Email: asfualt@yahoo.com