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Leonardo (the noodle) DiCaprio

Yes that is right!!!!! Leonardo Dicaprio's nickname is the noodle!!!! How did he get hat name? Well I really don't know! What I do know is that he is a very hot young actor who does an awesome job at acting in the movie Titanic

He plays Jack a struggling painter who takes Rose's heart away! He didn't get nominated for a acadamy award for the Titanic but he did get nominated for What's Eating Gilbert Grape? Here are some more pics ofhim

News Flash!!!!!!! Leonardo DiCaprio is thinking about not attendiing the Acadamy Awards because they didn't vote him in as best actor! He was schedueled to be presenting an award. LEO EYES NEXT MOVE Last week the talk was that Leonardo DiCaprio's next role would be that of real-life illusionist David Blaine in "Street Monkey," opposite Robert De Niro. Though Blaine confirms to PEOPLE that "Monkey" is a go, the film could take some time to jell. Now comes the latest Leo buzz -- exclusive to The PEOPLE Daily -- that the 23-year-old heartthrob is hot to play opposite Jack Nicholson and Sean Penn in Phoenix Pictures' modestly-budgeted adaptation of novelist William Faulkner's "As I Lay Dying," which Penn may direct in Mississippi next August. "Dying," about a poor rural family's struggle to carry its mother's corpse to her gravesite, would feature DiCaprio as Jewell, a son born of an illicit affair between the deceased mom and a local preacher. Nicholson is being eyed to play the family patriarch. (If Penn decides to star, he'd most likely play the older, slow son.) A source at Phoenix tells PEOPLE correspondent Jeffrey Wells that, at this stage, "Dying" is nothing more than a great notion but confirms the plan is for Nicholson and DiCaprio to costar. Nicholson's agent Sandy Bresler says the "As I Lay Dying" project "is something I've talked to Sean about, but Jack knows nothing about it." According to a producer who recently spoke to Leo's manager Rick Yorn, Yorn says there are at least 15 scripts waiting for Leo to read, all with offers of at least $15 million -- and the only thing he wants to do is "As I Lay Dying." He wants to work with Nicholson. YET MORE ON LEO Leo's touch is obviously golden. The offices of agents Gold/Marshak/Liedtke were broken into and a framed $100 bill with Leo's signature on it has been stolen, reports Variety columnist Army Archerd. On the greenback, Leo wrote, "Darryl, you were right!" The office, which represented DiCaprio earlier in his career, pushed Leo to do "What's Eating Gilbert Grape?" instead of the movie "S.F.W.," with a $100 bet riding on whether the agents' decision was right. It was: "Grape" earned Leo an Oscar nomination, while the other picture (Leo-less) did a quick fade. "So DiCaprio paid off," writes Archerd. "And some collector has a DiCaprio autograph -- temporarily!"

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