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JOHN OF THE TRAILER PARK was founded on January 1, 1997, by vocalist Chris "Dakota" Brown, guitarist Daniel Peyton and drummer Ryan Walker. They began by playing a couple of originals as well as some songs by such bands as the Misfits, the Germs and GG Allin. After a few weeks of jamming with no bass they recruited Randy Coleman to fill that position. In April he was replaced with Daniel's older brother Shannon Peyton, a former member of the Valley punk pioneers Noggin (1994-95).

John of the Trailer Park played their first show at the Berwick Community Centre on May 26, and were well-received by the ten punks in the audience though not the twenty metalheads and alternative freaks. On June 20th Shannon and the band parted ways, and lead singer Dakota took over the bass-playing duties. John of the Trailer Park became the Insane Virgin Nurses, and were next heard from at the Artificial Life Records show on August 8th where they battled indifference and evil spirits to put on their best show yet. But they were so disheartened at missing a gig on August 20th at Halifax's Cafe Ole they almost decided to hang up their instruments for good.

Instead, they performed a minor overhaul, picking up Lee Prall of the STD's to play bass and reverting to their original name. A period of some productivity followed, with new songs being written and gigs being set up. October 25th saw JTP in top form as they wowed an audience of well over 100 people at the Middleton Legion. Another show was planned for November 29th at Wolfville's Front Street Cafe with Rage Against Charlie Sheen opening, but JTP guitarist Daniel broke his hand snowboarding on the 27th. At the show, Hectic replaced John of the Trailer Park, who would never play on stage together again. Drummer Ryan and bassist Lee joined the Young Offenders and the old band all but disintegrated, finally calling it quits after one last jam on December 31. They left behind a reputation for old-school excellence and five original songs that would become Valley punk standards.

Dan Magnetic

Other bands in Punk Rock Local # 36

The Lewinskys
The Local Losers
The Middletons
SK8 Mafia
The Slashers
The Young Offenders
