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Here are pics of me and/or my family and/or friends

Me with my sis and Step-dad
Me with my sis and mom
Me and my Dad
My sis, Shauna
My puppy, Mia
Me holding Mia when we first got her
Me and my best friend Melanie "Grillface Jimbolini" (I'm the one on the left)
LOOK! It's me!(my hair was pink and black at the much for black and white scanners!)
Me and my friends Chris and Alex
My best friend, Mel
My best friend Kendra
My friend, Strangelove
My friend, Wilja
Me and my date at my senior ball
Me at my friend Sandy's Halloween Party in 1997(taken by Sandy)
Me asleep in my parent's backyard(taken by Melanie)
My friend, Coco(taken by Raven)
My friend, Hyperverbal
My roommate, Tom
Me before my Junior Prom
My 17th birthday

Here's some pics of some of my favorite bands (and members of bands)
Mike, the bassist(taken by my roommate, Raven)
Jesse Lucious, the singer(taken by Raven)
The Criminals live at Gilman 12/21/97
The Criminals again
And The Criminals...once again

Jeremy, the guitarist/vocalist(taken by Raven)
Eric, the guitarist/vocalist(taken by Raven)
Jeff, the bassist/vocalist(taken by Raven)
Theo, the drummer(taken by Raven)

AFI live at Gilman 12/21/97
Davey, the singer
Mark, the guitarist