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Dave Barry-the funniest man on earth (well, there might be someone in siberia who is funnier, but he or she doesn't write humor collumns all the time...or books)

This is the beginning of my Dave Barry Page. For those of you who don't know who Dave Barry is, you must have been living under a rock at the bottom of the ocean inside the Titanic. Dave has written numerous books and has a weekly humor column that is printed in...well, a lot of newspapers and magazines. In my opinion, he is one of the funniest people I have ever read....or something like that.

Anyways, this is my tribute to Dave Barry page...I plan on having more of my favorite articles on here as soon as I get around to typing them up. But for now, I just have a link to a really cool Dave Barry page... and some articles by Dave Barry. Well, like I said...more articles are coming soon on my page. For now if you want to laugh your pants off, read one of the articles I have already typed up...

Yo! Mr. Language Person.
Decaf Poopacino
The Toilet Police
Miss Manners
Politically Correct
Weird Science

Go HERE for more info on Dave Barry.

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