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While there bumpy ride jumps off Brittany says to Alvin worried ...
"so What now Alvin?"  Then Alvin returns with...
"Lets just try to hang on for right now." After finishing this the Bronco hits a dip and this sends Brittany flying off then she screams...
"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh heeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllppppppppppppp!!!" Alvin at the same time yells...
"Brittany!!!"  she quickly makes a grab at the blue tarp and holds on. Alvin jumps up grabs her hand and pulls her back under the tarp and she says to Alvin...
"that was close." Alvin comes back with...
"yea you'd a been a goner." She say back to him...
"you saved my life." She is interrupted by a load familiar scream from with in ...
"HELP! HELP! HEL..."  They peer in through the tinted window and Nick says...
"SHUT THAT LOAD BRAT UP Dan!" Dan returns with...
"dude chill out I'm trying." Nick screem back again...
"that your problem don't try do theres a difference trust..." Dan interrupts with.
"yo why don't you try." Nick continues with...
"for one im driving anther is I don't try I do." She lets It go again and screems...
"HHHHHHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!" Nick swirves to the side of the road right Infront of and unfamiliar house turns then says....
"gag her hit her knock her out or even break her neck. Just shut her up dude im under enough stress as it is." Dan comes back with...
"Ok, ill drive and you can deal with the kid." Nick nods and says ...
"that works. Hold her till I get there." Nick starts to climb in to the very back and Dan holds Jeanette tighter as nick get to the back he says to Shorttie...
"hey shorttie hook me up wit some ether." Shorttie hands him a white rag and nick say to Dan while grabbing Jeanette acrossed the chest to hold her arms down and smothers her mouth with the rag and pinches her nose shut...
"this is doing. see as she struggles to no success." She starts struggling severely to no success then a look a hopelessness appears on her face as she faints out. Then he ties her up and gags her. Dan starts to crawls into the front and drives off. Then Brittany turn to Alvin and says...
"oh my god did he kill her?" Alvin looks harder at there fallen comrade then using the best judgement that he can from the distance there at and says...
"I don't think so. Lets just hope they don't" he looks back at him
Mean while back at the mall Kat says to the remaining three...
"come on lets get out of here before it get crowed and we can talk about what to do next." Simon gives her a I think your hiding some look then says ...
"yes lets go." They all dart off to Kats car and jump in and she takes off. Simon asks
"do you know who took Jeanette?" she nods then he asks again...
"so why didn't you do something to stop them?"  Kat shrugs. Then Theodore turns to Eleanor then asks...
"did they says what all this is about?" Then Elle turns and says...
"yea Jeanette was talking about some jewels that Kat was looking at last night..."she stops and looks at with a hard stair and says...
"so You do know something. Don't you?" Kat ignores her and she asks again...
"tell us Kat whats going on?" she snaps out with...
"NO TALKING! We'll talk at home." She jumps to the back of her seat then nothin' else is said for the duration of the ride. Then back at the house Kat paces back and forth in the kitchen and she says...
"so you what to know what going on, eh. Well I cant tell ya." Eleanor returns with...
"why not?" Kat smiles and says...
"it's a secret only me and him know." Simon interrupts with...
"Kat its crucial that you tell." Kat looks at him and ask...
"why?" HE returns with...
"WHY?! Because one of our friends has been kidnapped and the other two are in trouble. That's why." She laughs then aloud crackling noise is heard behind her then her eyes get huge she starts trembling violently then she faints then standing behind her is Theodore with a tazer. Meanwhile Alvin looks under the tarp a little harder and finds surfboards. And he says...
"look Brittany surfboards?" she turns and says...
"Not now Alvin we hafta find a free Jeanette." Alvin turns back to the board and meanwhile inside James asks Nick...
"dude its hot as crap today are you sure we should stash her in a shack she could die." Nick turns to James and says...
"hey your right we cant kill her..." Shorttie interrupts with...
"why not?" Nick smacks him up side the head from behind...
"dude you can get killed for that." Shorttie shrugs then nick hits him again and James say to stop the violence...
"hey why don't we just take her with us. We can get a room and lock her inside." Nick returns with...
"what about cleanin' ladies." Jameas comeback with...
"we'll put the don't disturb sign out that sometimes keeps them out." Nick nods and says...
"that works. Hey Dan pull over at the this rest stop I gotta go man." Dan dose just this and pulls the car into the exit. Brittany says turns to Alvin and says...
"hey Alvin we're leaving the highway."