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Descent Cheats & Tips

Type gabbagabbahey while playing Descent to enable these cheats:

Shareware or registered version

Alt f--Shows full map.
farmerjoe--Warp to which level?
guile--Cloak on/off.
mitzi--All keys.
racerx--Toggles invulnerability.
scourge--WowieZowie weapons.
twilight --Shields recharged.
Registered only

ahimsa--Robot firing on/off.
bigred--Super WowieZowie weapons.
bruin--Extra life.
buggin--Turbo mode.
flash--Exit path illuminated.
Version 1.4, registered only

astral--Fly through doors.
lunacy--Robots move fast, fire seldom.
pletchXXX--Robot painting with texture XXX.
poboys --Blows the reactor immediately.
porgys--Mega WowieZowie weapons.
