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Dark Forces Cheats & Tips

Type in the following cheat codes any time in Dark Forces, except during cut scenes or when the game is paused.

Cheat Codes

abrady--Full ammunition.
labug--Insect mode: Fit into small places.
lacds--Full detailed map.
ladata--Current location coordinates.
lamaxout--All weapons, full health, shields etc.
lantfh--Teleports to red dot on overlaid map.
lapogo--Disables height checking.
lapostal--All weapons, full health, shields etc.
larandy --Weapon supercharge.
laredlite--Freezes all enemies.
laskip--Skips to the next level.
launlock--Full inventory.
Level Codes

lsecbase--Secret Base.
latalay--Talay:Tak Base.
lasewers--Anoat City.
latestbase--Research Facility.
lagromas--Gromas Mines.
ladtention--Detention Center.
laramshed--Ramsees Hed.
larobotics--Robotic Facility.
lanarshada--Nar Shaddaar.
lajabship--Jabba's Ship.
laimpcity--Imperial City.
lafuelstat--Fuel Station.
laexecutor--The Executor.
laarc--The Arc Hammer.
