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Blood Cheats & Tips

While playing Blood, press t, then type in a cheat code and press Enter
bunz----------------All weapons (dual) and ammo
capinmyass----------God mode
clarice-------------100 Health
edmark--------------Hurt yourself
eva galli-----------Toggle clipping mode
fork broussard------1 health, no weapons and surreal
funky shoes---------super jump
goonies-------------Shows entire map
griswold------------Full armor
hongkong------------All weapons and unlimited ammo
idaho---------------All weapons and full ammuntion
jojo----------------Drunk mode
kevorkian-----------Kill yourself
keymaster-----------All keys
krueger-------------Self immolation
mario---------------Level wrap
montana-------------All inventory items
mpkfa---------------God mode
nocapinmyass--------Disables god mode
rate----------------Displays framerate
spork---------------200 health
sterno--------------Fades in from a black screen
tequila-------------Dual weapons
voorhees------------Short God mode
