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Home Page Help

Ok you want to make a webpage or make a fancy
signature. Well Here are the basics to get you
going. Ok here is how to set up a basic
page settingCLICK HERE

Now that we have the basic set up figured
out lets goto the next step.

Text color's and sizes..

ok so you can make text get bigger or smaller
and change it's color big freakin deal! what
are you gonna put it on!?!?!?!? YOU NEED A BACKGROUND!!!!! well
here how to do it CLICK HERE!

WOW you must be a genenous to have got
this far! ok so you've got words and a background
, but that is well plain. So hmmm WHY DONT YOU ADD PICTURES!!!!! Go here to learn how!

Well your page or signature must be really good by now, but could it be better hmm..
I have an idea music!!!!! CLICK HERE to learn how!

Well you've got the got the basic's down..
So why dont you put your knowlege to the test! Go to my Html generator! It is like a home page maker! GO HERE!!!!

Here are two other cool things to help you out! Meta Tag generator and A useful way to choose color's here
