At 17 co-founded Flipside fanzine, a magazine that covered the burgeoning punk rock scene in Los Angeles.Designed the logo, created early covers and participated in the various interviews and reviews.
+ Interview by David Jones of El Vez regarding the early LA punk scene.
+ Flipside 30 Year Tribute (Early interviews and more)
+ Flipside is also mentioned in the Kurt Cobain biography Heavier Than Heaven and Journals by Kurt Cobain.
The American Hotel and Al's Bar, 19811981: Moved to Downtown LA and into the American Hotel, which was located above bohemian oasis Al's Bar.
1982: Began creating large mud paintings.
1986: First group show: The Satellite Gallery, Downtown Los Angeles. Tar and bullet paintings, hair paintings, and various mudworks were exhibited.
+ Press clipping from show (featuring a young Nicolas Cage) [LA Weekly]
1987: Solo show: Tu Cyclops, Downtown L.A. underground gallery run by designer Cindy O'Donoghue.
1988: Began experimenting with dark figuratives.
1992: A transition was made in painting from abstracts to large figuratives with the creation of 'exorcistic' work.
1995: Began creating ambient videos as an alternate to broadcast television.
Trees At Dusk, videostill, 19951997: The website X-8: Exorcism Of The Devils began.
1998: GODPHOTO began publication, presenting selected images and photos compiled from the worldwide web.
In October, CNN featured X-8: Exorcism Of The Devils as a reference for a news story about the 'demonic possession' of a church in rural France.+ [CNN article] [page down]
Airline Crash 1999. Original footage by Andre Karsenty.The video Airline Crash debuted at Long Beach industrial club Das Bunker.
Early Flipside covers were displayed in the Track 16 Gallery exhibit Forming: The Early Days of LA Punk in Santa Monica.
2000: The painting Headless Angel was part of the main set design in the FOX horror/paranormal television series Freakylinks.
Freakylinks, main title sequenceEarly Flipsides were displayed in the "New Day Rising" at the new EMP Museum. (Experience Music Project) in Seattle.
2001: Featured artist in the alternative online arts magazine The Independent Mind (Fall Issue)
Interviewed regarding the early LA punk scene in the book We Got The Neutron Bomb: The Untold Story of L.A. Punk by SPIN writer Marc Spitz and Brendan Mullen.
2002: Comments regarding Flipside and the Germs in the book Lexicon Devil: The Fast Times and Short Life of Darby Crash and the Germs. [Special $100 Hard Cover].
Contributed inside sleeve artwork (textures taken from mud paintings) and a guitar part on the Collide album Some Kind Of Strange.
Also making musical contributions on the album were Danny Carey from Tool and cEvin Key of Skinny Puppy.
2004: Featured artist in the Summer issue of NY literary and arts publication Outsider Ink.
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The painting White Tree and other works began being used in posters, flyers and web design by the UK band Visiting Ghosts.
Visiting Ghosts, poster, London, December 2004
2005: GOD and photos of Johnny Ramone's grave. [2] [3] [4] were featured on pop culture site BOING BOING.
Johnny Ramone, Hollywood, 20052006: Associate art editor for New York literary magazine Mad Hatter's Review.
Drunk Or Dying, detail, 2007. (click for full view)
Acclaimed British-Indian novelist Indra Sinha talks with X-8. A year in the making, this interview provides candid remarks regarding life and art.+ INTERVIEW [page down]
During the course of this interview, Indra's new book Animal's People made the shortlist for the Man Booker Prize, which is one of the most prestigious literary awards in the world. Indra also uses X-8's Suicide Siva in a mask work.+ Indra Sinha (Official Site)
+ Indra Sinha article, Time magazine
COMMENTS:"I love what X-8 has to say. I have decided that I am henceforth going to quit my job and spend my nights painting, drinking and smoking. F**k all!"- Jennifer Kornder, artist, +
"Wonderful. So much powerful art. They always seem to have a loud soundtrack for me, to be imposing and huge and dramatic. Excellant interview"- Tantra Besko, artist. +
"A galvanizing interview. Indra's insights into the paintings are sharp and deep. From his questions, he has put a tremendous amount of feeling and thought into the paintings. Very moving."- Richard Wolf, music producer. +
X-8 publishes a 30 year tribute to early Flipside.
Brendan Mullen with Flipside #3 at the still preserved Masque, Hollywood. Photo: Unknown
+ FLIPSIDE TRIBUTE PAGE (History, selected early interviews, rare Germs recording and more.)
+ Boing Boing (News story on Flipside tribute)
+ Flipside and photos by Al Flipside featured in the book Live At The Masque: Nightmare In Punk Alley. Edited by Brendan Mullen of the Masque, Kristine McKenna of the Los Angeles Times and Roger Gastman of Swindle Magazine.
Mad Hatter's Review and X-8 mentioned in Brooklyn weekly newspaper Until Monday Brooklyn. Article by Cheryl Burke.
Exhibition: Party Like An Art Star. Boardner's. (Los Angeles)2008:
The painting Infected debuted at the Los Angeles gothic club Ruin on January 18.
DeadThe painting Dead was featured in the book Mad Hatter's Revue at the Bowery Poetry Club and Cafe. His work illustrated a written work by Editor-In-Chief Carol Novak.