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Pure Poetry

We no longer turn to him for sociological wisdom, moral infallibility, or religious reassurance. What we ask of him now is not didactisim, but lyricism; not ideas, but poetry; not (following Harold Nicholson's distinction) applied poetry, but pure poetry. And that we find in abundance, for his lyric gift was one of the finest, strongest, and most various that the world has known. Had he been no more than the perfect master of his craft, which he was, contemplation of that mastery would provide an exquisite and pure enjoyment for all who love the craft. But he was more; he was a poet born, whatever the world may have made him as a thinker.

Welcome to Pure Poetry.

'Pure Poetry' is what I believe the works of Tennyson (and many other poets..) to be. Often people want words to have some deeper meaning than their obvious face value. Tennyson's poetry is beautiful, and that's all it really has to mean.

To Enter Tennyson:


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