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Quake & H2 Oceanline help
Did you fail at every attempt to start a deathmatch over Oceanline and fail miserably? Well, folow these simple guidlines and you be blowing people up in no time at all.
To Start a Game
1. Go to the specified chat room for the game you want you want to play. This is a must, and you will see why in a minute.

2. Make sure your "CHAT ROOM" PING TIME with person/persons (That are to play) is under 300ms. Any higher ping and the game runs worse than you can possibly imagine.

3. Now select your version of Quake or Hexen 2 (Depending on your room) off the menu and click "CREATE" when done.

4. Now this is a little different than normal Quake. The version that just started up is made specifically for Gaming services such as Oceanline. Go straight to the "Multiplayer" Option then "Start New Game" and select "TCP/IP".

5. Now your pretty much all set. Just click "OK" at the PORT prompt, then choose your game options and click OK when done! There, that wasnt so hard, was it? But unfortunatel, Joining isnt as forgiving.

To Join a Game
1. Go to the specified chat room for the game you want you want to play. This is a must, and you will see why in a minute.

2. Make sure your "CHAT ROOM" PING TIME with person/persons (That are to play) is under 300ms. Any higher ping and the game runs worse than you can possibly imagine.

3. Now select your version of Quake or Hexen 2 off the menu (Depending on the room you are in). But hold the Joining. This comes later.

4. Now Highlite the game you want to join with your curser. Now write down the IP address that appers [Looks something like ###.###.###.###]. Youll have to enter this in the game in order to join.

5. Now select "JOIN" once you have the IP number written down.

6. Now choose the "Multiplayer" option, then "TCP/IP". Now here you are prompted for that IP number you wrote down. Enter it then click on "JOIN" to enter the game.

6. You may have to wait a while for all the menu diagnostics to complete. If the game is running absoloutely terrible, Press "~" to bring down command prompt. Type "PING" to see your connection to the others. If its higher than 400ms, bail out cause you cant play.

Email: OCEANwave