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Want to Trade Epi Cuttings?

Have an Epiphyllum cutting that you want to trade? Have a color that you are looking for? Email me with the information and I will post it here. What better way to get the plants that you want!


Looking for: I am still trying to find a yellow epi and one or two bicolored ones, especially the pat barrett.

Has To Trade: None at this time

Alain Jette
Looking for : Looking for: slim petaled, scented Epis also Fred Boutin, Great Waltz, Lemon Icicle.

Has To Trade:Email for updated list.

Looking for:

Has to Trade: (Does have some, not sure what they are)

Margaret Tsiptsis
Looking for:

Has to Trade: Nothing at this time.

Ann Belau
Looking for:

Has to Trade:

Pamela J. McCloud
Looking for: cryptocereus anthonyanus, or what have you.

Has to trade: ackermanii(medium nice red), unnamed hot pink, good = grower,euphorbia tirucalli

Please check out my site if you would like to trade cuttings.
Epi cuttings to trade

David White
Nothing to trade at this time, intrested in minis.

Please help me, I had corresponded with a gentleman in So. California who hybridized over 100 epi's and I lost his email. :o( If you know or are that person please email me again!! Thank you

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