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Hockey...well what can I say about it except that is is the best sport on earth...except for maybe Broomball, which playes a close second to me!

The NHL playoffs are over for another year with the Detroit Redwings winning it all(finally after only 42 years) but things are still happening in the league. Now is the race for the signing of free agents.

But where exactly did this sport start? There are many rumors about it's origins but I believe the story of it starting in Nova Scotia... I mean who else is so passionate about hockey than Canadians right? Nobody so that proves it!

Here are some good sites about hockey history..... The Hockey Hall of Fame is based in Toronto and is right next to the Maple Leafs Gardens. It has just about anything you would like to know about hockey.

Here is great site dedicated to those original Six teams of the NHL

Misfits....yep...the NHL and every league has them..... but some of them you just have to love... here is a great site that features some of the greatest oddballs of the NHL. Check out the pic of Don Cherry...Gotta love those pants!

How did the blond get killed when she was ice fishing??? She got run over by the Zamboni machine... it was a bad joke...but these machines are great!

I play hockey... I love hockey... As you can imagine... Women's hockey is getting really popular now... Canada is ofcourse the best at it... Here are a few sites for women's hockey... if you know of more good ones, give me a shout....

This place has links to almost every site on the net about women's hockey... it is very nice... I like it very much.

This place is dedicated to female goaltenders.... very nice if you are female and a goaltender...but worth checking out even if you are not..

The Women's World Cup were held in Hamilton, ON this winter. Here is a site with lots of pictures... especially ones of Canada winning the tournament.

There are tons of hockey mags on the 'net. My fave, LCS: Guide to Hockey has recently gone to AOL but they still publish a biweekly mag. The quality is not as good as before but they have a great sense of humor and give lots of great coverage. They are in their summer break at the moment so nothing new is really being published but their last mag was a really good one.

Here's a list of some other good hockey mags on the net....
Hockey Net Weekly Magazine News, info, links, event schedules, live hockey chats and tons more.
In the Crease A journal for the fans by the fans covering NHL hockey, IHL hockey as some other minor leagues.
World of Hockey
The Hockey Paper An online hockey newsletter.
Between the Pipes This is dedicated to goaltenders around the world.

Colorado...what can be said about them except that they are the best! I love them to death and even if they didn't win the Cup this year...(Can't win 'em all) they are still the best, deepest team in the league. A bit more muscle would be a great addition to the team but that's about it. Rumors are floating around that the new Pepsi Center deal is finished and the arena will be built soon.... wouldn't that be great news??
Please, please..... sign Joe Sakic, whatever the price!!!!
Want to join a mailing list for the Colorado Avalanche?? You can do so here. I'm looking for some gifs of the logo of the Avs' or a good one of a hockey puck... anybody with such info.... please get in touch with me!!!!!!

Or if you have a good general hockey site you think I would be interested in or a good site on the Avs.... let me know!!!!!
