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Chicago: the Musical
Lilith Fair: the webpage (erin's heaven)
Bebe Neuwirth Web Page

MEEEOW. Hello. My name is Lilith and I am a kitten. I was born in April 1997 and my mommy's name is Erin. Last night, she met Liza Minnelli. In case you are not reading this on August 1, 1997, Last night would be Thursday, July 31, 1997. She called up her friend and all I heard for an hour was I MET LIZA MINNELLI I MET LIZA MINNELLI Don't get me wrong, I love Liza. The only movie I ever sat completely through was Cabaret. No, I am not kidding. Here you can e-mail my mom CLICK HERE if you do not believe me. Ask her all about it. She even wrote to Liza telling her about me.

What do I look like? you ask. Well I have tabby markings on my head and my tail and i am gray with bluish-yellow eyes. Don't make any sudden noise because I get startled easily. I live in Erin's Room. I love mischief. I play tricks on her like taking the tacs out of the walls, playing with the string when Erin's knitting, and trying to bother the turtle. I am a smart one, oh an please don't think that I'm boasting, I am just re-peating what i hear. One time I moved an empty shoe box next to my Litter box to wipe my feet in and Erin practically called Harvard to see if they would enroll me. Another time I picked up a food coupon and put it in my bowl. There's nothing in the world Erin likes more than when we cuddle and watch Liza Minnelli Films together or tapes of Broadway performances. We also like to lie around and listen to Broadway scores and Liza Minnelli Albums. I have her trained well. Every day she gets up and feeds me. And if I do not have enough water I tell her by going into Shelly's terrarium and pretend to drink her water. I don't though because their is always a trail of dirt in the bowl from Shelly going in and out. One morning, Erin Slept in and I had to tap her head until she woke up.

I am sooooo excited. Erin tells me that i am going to get a new room mate. This Saturday, October 17th, Erin Tells me that she is going to bring home a new friend for me. Her name is Velma Kelly. I am few months older than Velma, but hey age is just a number, right? Maybe I will help her make a little web page. You now whats really nifty? We are both named after Bebe Neuwirth. I'll tell you more about her on Saturday.

Thursday, September 11th, 97, Erin went to see the Musical, Cats at the Pantages theatre. She came home and told me all about it. I was really upset that I didn't get to go. I mean, I am much more feline than Erin, hate to say so, but it is the absolute truth. It would haeve been purrfect for me. I know I would have loved it, even if Bebe Neuwirth doesn't. I kept her up all that night when she got home for revenge. Next time she goes I'm sneaking into her bag No matter what.

Guess What? Give up? Ok. It will never be 1997 again, nope, never no matter what. I had a wonderful time the last two weeks of December, Holiday season, I think it's called, Oh well. Erin and I had a film Festival. (I'll keep you in suspense at what kind for know) She went to go see Alien Resurection on a Monday. Tuesday she borrowed Bram Stroker's Dracula from a neighbor and we watched that and Little Women. Well, Erin decided, since she already got started, she might as well try to get through Winona Ryders whole carreer.

We saw Mermaids Erin I both really liked it. Her favorite line was: I want to live a violent and exciting life. The music video, "It's in his kiss" at the beginning of the movie was really really fun. We watched it a couple of times. Next we watched "Reality Bytes," and then Edward Sisorhands which I loved. Erin told of a great injustice which she noted; when she was at the video store, they had that movie in the comedy section!!? Sure it's a kind of mock of suberbia, but comedy: NO WAY! She next got: Boys, 1969, and Beatlejuice. Ok first off, Boys was a terrible, terrible film. Blockbuster has a new policy where if you didn't like the movie, you could exchange it for another one. SHe took Boys and exchanged it for something else. Erin has it written down somewhre I don't know right now. Believe it or not, neiter Erin nor I had ever seen Beetlejuice. We LOooooooooVeD it. What a wonderful film. Erin identified with the Line: Live people ignore the strange and unusual, I myself am, strange and unusual. There was another movie: The House of the Spirts; very interesting, very complex, but one problem: Once it endiedc neigther of us remembered how it ended once it was rewound. If anyone has seen it please remind us of what hapened at the end. We also so one of Erin's all time favorites: How to make an American Quilt. As well as The Age Of Innocence. It was a really well made movie, I liked it, but erin, she thought it was a wonderful movie; very well made, but she didn't like the ending and she wanted the male lead to be faithful to May Welland. She traded it for the Crucible. Erin loved it, but i didn't care for it that much. A few weeks into this year, Erin and I rented Heathers. We saw it the day before Christian Slater was officially "arrested." Winona Ryder said about heathers:

"I describe it as a movie about teen angst bullshit that has a body count . . ."

I found some toys I just could not BEAR to keep to myself

Get rid of that arrow running your desktop. Adopt a Kitty Curser. CLICK HERE

Ok now your pointer is fixed, Here are some little friends for your desktop. Pick all or your prefuuuurence.
Neko: a cute little white kitty Heres a different little desktop kitty

Oh and whose life could possibly be complete without a feline font??!
Kitty font Wing ding cats If you Have any questions about any of my toys, just e-mail me

Ok, hey all you feline appreciaters. I need your help. Well maybe i don't exactly need it, but hey this could be "Fun." If anyone can find a better name for my web site, I'd love to hear it. A logo maybe, more graphics, nifty stuff relating to Erin and my favorite things. You know anything. Thanks everyone can't wait to here from you all.

Soon I will have a picture Gallery. I will get Erin to scan some pictures of me. More to come later.


Do you know who Bebe Neuwirth is?

Erin Wanted me to post her motto on this web page so here it is:
Bebe Neuwirth is a Goddess and life is a Cabaret. Sarah McLachlan is a creative genius . . . And all that JAZZ!

Alveda Zay darlings.

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