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Inner Circle Ring

KaZiN's House of Pleasure

This place is dedicated to hard core fun. Whenever you're bored and need something to do, then come here. Read the jokes. There is a new one every weekday. This place will also contain TI-85 games and programs that you can download. If you're having trouble with calculus, then download the Calculus Toolkit. There are games like Tetris, Doom, 2-player Pong, Area 51 and much much more. I'll try to put different games and programs. I don't have that much room to work with right now. TI-85 Games and Programs

****It's Finally Here****
Our original movie. It's entitled "Enter the Aardvark." It has tons of special effects. Many people have liked it and it was our first movie we ever directed, acted, and edited. Due to lack of space, only still photography will be put up. You should still come and check it out.
Click here to see scenes from our movie

If you want to know more about the author and hear his opinion on different matters, then check out Info on Jack Chen. You must also check out his view on school and hear about is school experiences. You can also write to any of the graduated students of Antioch High School. So if you're looking for an Antioch High School student, then be sure to go there. Also become wiser and read Quotes to live by! Please submit any of your wisdom that you would like to share with the rest of us.If you just want to read quotes from my yearbooks, then click Entries in my yearbooks. Some of them are really funny, while some of them are really lame. If you are starving and you want to know where the best place to eat is, then go to Al's Giant Burgers. They serve breakfast at a really cheap price. They also do lunch and dinner. Phone orders are accepted and we can deliver. Be sure to check out the menu by clicking on the Al's Giant Burgers link.

If you like jokes, be sure to read these. Updated daily. If you're a person who is easily offended, then please do not read the jokes. Some jokes are alittle offensive, but never racist or in SICK taste. Just kidding. These jokes have it all.

This weeks joke topic is of -=*FEMALES*=-

Women Have it So Easy
Seeing Eye Dogs

Check out these links. Some of them are my friend's homepages. Other places are places where I like to visit. If you want free internet email, use Hotmail. You can play Jeopardy, College Jeopardy, or Wheel of Fortune on Sony Station. The best part is you can win prizes if you score high even. Very entertaining and educational. If you want more games for the TI-85, TI-86, or TI-92, then you must visit TI-85 Central.

The rest are links to my friend's homepage.
Leslie Kooser (My totally awesome and beautiful penpal)
Charles Lee's Homepage - Euclid's Place of Wisdom and Fun
Jerry Lindevald's Homepage - Jerry's Palace of Pain
Andy Lai's Homepage - Andy's World

Juliann Chen's Homepage - Contains Beatles and Dilbert Stuff

Please take time to sign the guestbook. Thanks and come again.
