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Amazing Spider-Man #40
WRITER:  J. Michael Straczynski
PENCILLER:  John Romita Jr.
COVER BY: Jason Pearson
INKER:  Scott Hanna
STORY TITLE: Sensitive Issues
ACT 1: A robbery is taking place. The thieves are surrounded by the police. There is no way to escape. Even so, these crooks don't want to go to jail; so they are trying to shoot their way out of it. That's when Spider-Man shows up. In a matter of seconds, the gunfight is over and the thieves are apprehended.

ACT 2: The Daily Bugle building, inside the elevator; a loud-mouthed individual is ranting about communism and other nasty subjects. Aunt May is in the same elevator. She cleverly gets rid of the individual by pretending to him that he's reached his floor, the 14th floor, but in fact it is only the third floor.

ACT 3: The elevator door opens up. J. Jonah Jameson, the cigar-chomping editor-in-chief and publisher of the Daily Bugle is yelling at his staff. May interrupts him. She hands him a letter and tells him she is canceling her subscription to the Daily Bugle because of the terrible things it says about Spider-Man (It should be noted that May now knows that Peter is indeed Spider-Man). Jameson is shocked that she would want to cancel her subscription but she stands her ground and JJJ angrily leaves towards the elevator. Inside the elevator is the same loud-mouthed individual seen earlier. Jameson sighs heavily.

ACT 4: It is the end of the day at Midtown High School. Peter Parker is just about to leave for the day when one of this students, Jenni, whose brother Spider-Man helped in the past, comes by his office. She asks him if he would come check out something for her. He agrees. As they leave the high school grounds, they are watched by a person hidden in the shadows.

ACT 5: At the Forest Hill resident of Aunt May, the phone rangs. May picks up the phone. It's Mary Jane. She's calling in between photo shoots. They talk for a few minutes. The conversation comes to an end when Mary Jane has to return to work. In the last two panels, Mary Jane suspects that May knows that Peter is Spider-Man, and May wonders if she should tell Mary Jane that she knows.

ACT 6: Jenni and Peter arrived at destination. Peter meets Susie, a young homeless girl, a friend of Jenni. She is scared. Jenni is scared. People have been disappearing. Most specifically, young people with drug problems. This has been going on for a while now and none of the girls know what to do. Peter agrees to help them find out what is going on.

ACT 7: Later that night, as Spider-Man, Peter investigates the disappearances, he hears screaming from a nearby alley. He finally reaches the origin of the screams. A young man is being sucked into what appears to be some sort of a dimensional-cyclone created by a translucent-looking man. Spider-Man jumps forward to apprehend the villain but goes right thru him and rams into a nearby brick wall. The felon seems to have some sort of powers rendering him virtually untouchable at will, however, Spider-Man continues his heroic attack until he figures out a way to get the upper-hand. But just as he is about to take the villain out of the picture, the latter suddenly disappears into thin air, leaving an astounded Spider-Man behind.

ACT 8: Back at his apartment, Peter is masking his bruises with makeup when the doorbell rings. It's Aunt May. She tells Peter that she has talked to Mary Jane and that she is coming down to New York for a photo shoot next week. She also tells Peter that Mary Jane has said that she would like to see him…and Peter agrees to see her as well.