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May 17, 2000

Tomorrow I go home again, to see my mother for the first time in the nine months since I moved to Wichita. It should be an interesting time. Along the way, I'll get to see my friends again, feel loved again. Hopefully that will spark some creativity within me. But I recently found another outlet for that, thanks to the one and only Alicia Turnmire. I now have My own writer's site on As you can tell, Alicia has her own site, and we both earn a dime - that's 10 whole cents! - everytime you visit our respective pages. So what are you waiting for? Start clicking!

May 8, 2000

No quotes, no nothing. What you should know, though, is that the story page is up!

April 30, 2000


When destiny calls, you must be strong

---Phil Collins

And that's the best way to summarize the last three months. Someday, I'll talk about it in detail, but I can tell you this much -- they were the best of times, the worst of times and all that jazz. One good thing that came out of it was that I started writing poems for the first time since my freshman year in college. Those will be uploaded soon, but for right now, here's a new story for you to enjoy. Let me know what you think. More updates to come!

Dec. 29, 1999


I made the front page today! It's not the deepest or most insightful story, but it's kind of cute and came together nicely, I thought. Anyway, give it a read and draw your own conclusions.

In other news, construction is underway on Part 1 of the article archives. The section linked here covers my first two semesters working at The Daily Aztec. More to come later!


Dec. 20, 1999


For obvious reasons, this is an interesting holiday season. People are preparing to ring in Xmas yet fearful of the end or Armageddon or some other nonsense.

Before you scoff, consider this: None of the big year-end bashes around Wichita have sold out, and I've heard that's a trend around the country.

Personally, I don't get to choose. I've been assigned the 7-11 shift -that's 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. - Dec. 31, meaning I will probably cover the aftermath, good or bad.

But it's already been an eventful winter for me. Not only did I witness my first snowfall earlier this month, but I'm stuck here for the duration. Couldn't afford to make it back home. Oh well.

But I'm confident next year will be better. I haven't made many resolutions for Y2A, but I will be taking some dance classes - Latin & Swing - if you're scoring at home. And yes, the Art-chive page will finally be built, specializing in yours truly's Greatest Hits. And since I'm stuck here New Year's Eve anyway, I'll put together my own "Best of..." lists, if only because everybody else has. What a sell-out I've become. Blah! __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Nov. 5, 1999


You can't use my words against me

I'm not caught up in your laws

--"N__ga Please," Ol' Dirty Bastard.

First things first: Isn't it funny that you find church phone listings in the business section? Just thought I'd mention that.

Now then, onto the weekly worry sheet. Here's the deal: I feel like I have four beats - Neighborhoods, Youth Sports, Latino Stuff (albeit shared with my colleague Joe Rodriguez) and Gen-X.

I'm not kidding on the last one, either. In the - yikes! - two months since my arrival here at The Wichita Eagle, it's been my job to try to generate stories on Goths, breakdancers, and just today, my story on Magic:The Gathering. Before you scoff, consider this: That story was supposed to be on today's front page.

It didn't happen, of course. They ran some feature on how colleges are instituting late-night meals for their students instead. Yes, it's disappointing. But not all that surprising, for some reason.

Yes, it's somewhat disappointing, but life goes on. Or rather, my lack of one. The only drawback to working this much is that I'm falling into my collegiate pattern: All work and no play. I haven't been to see a movie since the summer, and work parties are regularly held without me. Worst of all, I'm frequently too exhausted by Friday afternoon to manage to drag myself to the local YMCA, where I have a membership. It's fun to stay, you know.

Oct. 30, 1999


When I was born,

You looked at me and said,

What a good boy, what a smart boy

What a strong boy

--"What A Good Boy," Barenaked Ladies.

I took the first positive step to dealing with homesickness this week, buying a photo album and stocking it with a bunch of shots from my childhood, along with some themes: Garcia with the family, Garcia w/the various posses, Garcia with girls (don't worry, I never meant anything to them!) and Garcia around the globe: San Diego, Seattle, Hawaii, San Francisco. Ok, maybe Garcia around the West Coast is better.

What's frustrating me more, though, is the lack of time to come in and work on this page a little more. I mean, there's laundry to do and a house to clean up - trust me on that one - and not enough time to break out my poison pen on Ms. Martin,er,Ricky, not to mention this debacle with Pete Rose and Jim Gray. Suffice it to say on each of these issues, my point of view skews far away from the mainstream. At least that's a good sign.

Work is going well, however. You can read my latest Junior League Football game story and tell me what you think. Yes, the link page will get done. But hey, is anybody reading this?

Oct. 16, 1999


El fuego de la libertad

Se ha convertido en soledad

("The fire of freedom has turned into loneliness")

--"El club de los humildes," Mecano.

No, I'm not depressed. Just busy at the expense of little else. Again, that's not a complaint, just an observation. On the bright side, my visit back to California went well. You can find an account of the wedding of my friends Chris & Sara in my inaugural exclusive column. Future topics include why I hate Ricky Martin, the pressures of being a second-generation immigrant, an updated resume, and that darn article links page. Right now Knight-Ridder, our newspaper's corporate masters, charges you $1.95 to read our archives. So it's up to me to sidestep the Man and figure something out.

In the meantime, I've been doing some thinking. Talk around the office says it's harder to hang on to your job after you reach 40. So my scheme is this: Hang on to a job in this business 'til I'm 40 or so, retire gracefully, become a teacher of some sort, then train the next generation of smart-asses and impudent wrestling fans. A good 20 years of that and it should be time to retire and die. That's the idea, of course. I haven't figured out how to work marriage into that. But a permanent return to San Diego is definitely in there somewhere. Are you listening, San Diego Union-Tribune? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Sept. 19, 1999


---Weep not for the memories

--- Sarah McLaughlin, "I Will Remember You"

Well, nobody's quite weeping yet, but we're to the point now where I miss that feeling of being a part of a pack, like I was back home.

Example: It is now 4:22 CST. At this time on a usual San Diego Sunday, I would be on the phone with one of the South Bay Mafia plotting out what we're to do that day or maybe even the following weekend. The end result being there was always something to look forward to. There was no wasted motion, really.

Today? Well, I sat around and watched football for the first extended period of time in years, it seems like. And it's starting to get me a bit stir crazy.

But there are some good news: I have my first pro by-line. Check it out here. And there are two more stories yet to come. I shoudl be able to build a new, all-story links page by year's end. In the meantime, off to not waste some motion.


Sept. 9, 1999


Who is the happier man, he who has braved the storm of life and lived, or he who has stayed securely on shore and merely existed?

Hunter S. Thompson

The storms haven't started yet. Not until I start work at The Eagle Monday, and face myself writing full-time, no longer living with my folks, having to carve out my own existence, for better or worse. Then, in November, the weather will worsen, and I'll be forced to face my first real winter. THAT should be fun.

But at least I'm out of shore. Funny thing: For being two-and-a-half days long, the drive out here from San Diego actually seemed to fly by. I stopped in Gallup, NM, my first night, high-tailed it into Oklahoma City the second night, and pulled up at the newspaper's offices two days ago, remembering as if by instinct the exit to pull into and what turns to make.

Much of my time since has been spent dealing with such memories, little flashbacks: Of streets I visited on stories, things I saw, stores I frequented. And most of all, of the people here at the paper. Most of the ones who remember me seem to be glad I'm back on board. I'm glad, too, more than I figured I would be. This is real, and it's mine. There's a certain freedom that comes with knowing that.

For now, as I write this at 11 p.m. CST, long after most of the staff has gone home, let me tell you a little bit about my new hometown...

Wichita is, as a colleague once told me, "a town that thinks it's a city." It's an odd paradox. We're the biggest city in Kansas (304,000 pop.), but you can get around town in 10 minutes or less most times. There's Arena Football and minor league hockey and baseball franchises, but there's also like 20 million churches here. The Eagle itself is a semi-liberal leading newspaper, but it includes a Daily Prayer in the editorial section. Don't ask me why. Even the publisher told me he didn't know why it was there. It just was. And it would cause too big a commotion to get rid of it.

Wichita is strangely diverse, more so than you may think. Within a few years, 25 percent of the city's population will be a minority. There's already sections of town where Mexicans and Asians have sort of taken over things. And there was already a Minority Affairs reporter before I got here, so it won't just be on me to do so.

But most people around here still can't pronounce my name. And there's still that house with the Confederate flag hanging over it. So there's work to be done.

Wichita is where I'm at for now. And truth be told, there's probably nowhere else I'd benefit more from being. For now.

OK, you'll notice we've added more links to the list. That's one of the changes I have in store for this page. In the future, I'd like to make the main page more of a directory for other stuff, rather than just my rantings. Those can go on another page. But with luck and some time, hopefully it'll all come out okay. As it is, I'm itching to write some columns after watching that sham of an MTV Video Music Awards show.


August 31, 1999


I am walking on the bridge

I am over the water

And I'm scared as hell,

But I know there's something better

-Paula Cole, "Me"

Isn't it amazing when you're actually approaching a goal - a real life-long GOAL - and you realize you're on the cusp of getting there? Isn't it somewhat frightening? Because now it's upon you. For years you've been complaining, wondering, wishing, hoping, working, fighting and sometimes despairing over it. And now it's right there, within reach.

Or within a 2.5-day-drive, anyway. That's how long it'll take me to get to Wichita, KS, where I'll finally start my professional reporting career at The Wichita Eagle.

But first, the farewell tour: Saying good-bye to friends and family, and realizing that it is a good-bye, at least for the next two years of my life.

Just wanted to get that off my chest for now ... check in with you later this week, or maybe from the road.


August 14, 1999



I realize that most of my writings sound like a bad episode of 'Felicity.' And seeing as how there's never been a good episode, that is scary indeed.

First up, I finally got to go to the San Diego Comic-Con, where I fully got my geek on and cruised around looking for anime/comics shops that do cross-country mailing ... considering where I'm moving to, I'll need to import as much culture as possible.

And despite it all, I've even gotten to the movies. Can you believe it?

OK, you're thinking, "oh, no, he's not gonna offer his supposed movie picks, is he?" Well, I am! So here goes ...

1. South Park: The Movie: Damned if it wasn't the funniest movie I've seen this year.

2. Run Lola Run: VERY German, and a total gimmick movie, to boot. But damned if Franka Potente isn't fast as all hell. Definitely worth a look.

3. After Life: A Japanese film, very simply told ... but softly moving. Or maybe I'm just getting soft in my old age.

4. The Sixth Sense: Yes, a Bruce Willis movie. But the smartest ending since The Usual Suspects.

5. The Blair Witch Project: I went to see it, sure ..and it's good. Not quite worth all that hype over it. But good ... still, doesn't it remind you of "The Last Broadcast"? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

August 4, 1999


OK, so I took wayyy too much time updating this. I'll get to my UNITY stories later. But first..

THE SKINNY: I signed today with the Wichita Eagle, a newspaper in Wichita, KS, to become their newest Community writer.

THE PAY (or, What the @$! is he thinking?): $26,000 a year, plus a $2,000 signing bonus and $200 moving expenses.

THE STARTING DATE: Sept. 13, 1999 is my first day on the job, but I'm due to arrive in Wichita Sep. 6.

THE GOING-AWAY PARTY: Not sure, but those of you in the So. Cal area e-mail me if you want to toss an idea or attend.


* In California, I'm just one of a million Mexicans. In Kansas, I become Arturo, exotic Latin heart-throb.

* In California, I have to drive an hour to find sheep molesters. In Kansas, they're practically my neighbors.

* In California, I work for a T.V news station. In Kansas, I'll be working for a newspaper. Which means I get to practice actual journalism.

And most importantly ...

* In California, my parents are here. In Kansas, they're not.

So that's it for now. Thanks to everybody for the support all this time. Hope to hear from you soon ... or see you on the road to Kansas, perhaps?


June 30, 1999


These next 15 days or so will be crucial. July 4 I fly to Seattle for UNITY99, that huge convention/job fair I've been talking about for so long. Working for the convention newspaper and job-seeking in a serious way. No more pussyfootin' around. And some karaoke singing to do!

Of course, any job search depends on your resume. And you can now read mine online. Clutch, eh?

I'm working right now at KNSD-TV, the local NBC affiliate, as a part-time production assistant and writer. Even got two stories in during Sunday's newscast; so far so good.

With all that, I need your help. See what it says atop my picture? NAME THIS PAGE! Come up with something clever and either leave it in the guestbook or e-mail me. The winning entry gets ... well, I'll figure that out later. Wish me luck in Seattle!

May 18, 1999


Lots of things going on, as usual. Still, I'm in good spirits. First off, the blonde is gone. The old pic of Kristin and I has been retired, for her sake, since I don't think she quite enjoyed being linked with me in view of the entire web. Sorry, boys, no more looks at her.

The biggest news is that I'm graduating, finally, from college Sunday morning. There should be a good collection of friends and family at the ceremony, so that's no sweat. It's what comes after that is in doubt.

I have a couple of job offers right now: A spot covering crime at The Salinas Californian, or a features-type gig at The Wichita Eagle, where I interned last summer.

Tough call, and one that I have to make soon. Either way, I'm looking forward to the summer. I'm moving back in with the folks for a stretch to collect money, hopefully get a retail job (I'm burned out on writing for the time being) and bide my time 'til July 4, when I'm flying into Seattle for Unity 99, a huge minority journalism convention and job fair.

The best thing is, it's expenses paid! Since I'm contracted to work for the National Association of Hispanic Journalists on their daily convention newspaper, they're covering my trip and stay. Even if it means they'll work me to the bone.

One last tidbit: I need your help! By now most people have heard of "EdTV" or "The Real World," right? Well, yours truly is vying for a shot on The Real House, the Internet equivalent.

Here's the premise: They're putting up six or seven people at a house near SDSU and filming their lives. Only difference is, it's part of a live, round-the-clock Web simulcast. Click on the RealHouse link and vote for me Ñ or "Arturo G." as they have me listed Ñ under Male Applicants. You can vote only once, but you can also vote for your favorite female and couple applicants. Last time I checked, the lesbian couple was well in the lead. I'll let you know how things turn out.

That's it for today. My last entry is below, if you feel like a quick story. I'll move that to its' own page in time, as well as post my resume online. Things keep moving, I tell ya ...

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Sign My Guestbook Guestbook by GuestWorld View My Guestbook

Roads You Should Take

THE WICHITA EAGLE - My pro career starts here!
THE DAILY AZTEC - Oh, sure, my college paper finally gets a nice-looking site after I graduate. There's an archive there if you wanna check out my work
SOCIETY OF PROFESSIONAL JOURNALISTS - I was the San Diego State chapter pres last school year; now I'm trying to get to the national convention in Indianapolis this October ...
WRESTLELINE - The best wrestling news sheet out there ... worth reading just for Scott Keith's columns!
BIG BOB'S CHAT - If you liked WBS, you may like this chatline. I don't, but hey, you make up your mind ...
CNNSI - I've read SI since I was 11 and the swimsuit issue since I was about 6
ANIME VILLAGE - I signed up here at the San Diego Comic-Con. Check it out for your anime fix, eh?
VICTORIA MARIE - hell of a girl I know in Chi-town.
RANTSYLVANIA - The creation of my favorite Web columnist, Scott Keith. Features daily wrestling news reports, show reviews and Scott's inimitable PPV reviews. A must-read for smart fans.
EVELYN LAMINACK - Came upon her page purely by chance, but she's a good writer. Take a look ...
CCNMA - The California Chicano News Media Association played a big part in helping me grow. Check out the San Diego chapter ...
LIZABETH CORRIGAN - The girl w/the purest heart I've ever met ...
MISTRESS SUZI Q - Suzi's also got some,uh, interesting writing ...
MALIBU MEOW - She's too damn pretty to be as nice as she is ... check out the modeling shots if you don't believe me!
MARK TONER - Last but not even close to least, my mentor at the NAA convention ... and a twisted guy in his own right. I can respect that ...
JENNIFER SIGMAN - An old friend of mine from the WBS days and a hell of a story in her own right. Check out The Corner of Insanity and see why ...
THE HUNTSVILLE ITEM - Famous for being a) an hour from Houston, and b) the home and future springboard for my friend April E. Towery. She covers crime and courts for them.
THE ONION - You'll have to read this to believe it, really.
EMILY SWANSON - My buddy from Minnesota ... maybe giving her this link will get her to update her page! (only teasing, Em)
ALIA QURESHI - She's British. 'Nuff said.
