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Hanson Facts

To see more facts, check out our quotes page for answers to FAQ straight from Hanson themselves!

Hanson Facts
  1. Once, when Tay was walking to a restaurant, this guy opened the door for him and Tay realized that the guy thought he was a girl!
  2. Zac, Tay and Ike painted the white dressers in their room purple.
  3. Taylor has a guy friend named Ashley.
  4. One of Ike's best friends is also in a band. (this is old, but I think it is the Admiral Twins)
  5. If Hanson can't make it to an interview, they do it over a cell phone. They've done this for "Request Magazine" and "Disney's Magazine for Kids."
  6. When Hanson signed with Mercury, they signed on to do six albums!
  7. When Hanson was driving away from a concert they noticed a car full of girl next to them, screaming for them, so they rolled down the window of their limo and said in their best english accents "Pardon me, do you have any grey poupon?!?!?!"
  8. The full names of Ike, Tay and Zac's siblings are:
    Jessica Grace Hanson
    Avery Laurel Hanson
    Joshua Mackenzie Hanson
    Zoe Geneveive Hanson
  9. Their siblings birthdays are:
    Jessica : 31 July, 1989
    Thanks to Shai from Israel for that info!
    Avery : 22 February, 1991
    Mackenzie : April 18 1994
    Zoe : January 14 1998
