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(My squire and I, overseeing a bold new age in website creation.)

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NEWS- (updates are in bold italics)
July 13th, 2004-The quasi-monthly updating schedule continues with the biggest update this side of "Mikeu has been one lazy mofo". I Updated my journal, and also managed to update the Captain's Section in the five minutes her site wasn't down and I could grab some images, from her adventures of course. Finally, I updated the photos section with something that's been a little dream of mine for absoultely no amount of time whatsoever. I just figured hey, some of these are sort of funny so what the heck? Props to Ryan for taking these. Props to me for not watching Law and Order and doing this instead. Most of all, props to you for reading this. Really, you're the reason I do're the reason I do anything at all, so...thanks. ;)

(Okay that was a lie. I'd do this even if you didn't read this website. Who are you anyway? Are you with the Bureau?)

June 15th, 2004-Updated my journal, and I happily unveil the Captain's Section! That's right, today is an epoch in DEATH! by Tabasco's long, fragmented history. What can I say about the Captain...well...if I said it hear you wouldn't have to check out the would you? Also, I added links to my livejournal...don't ask.

May 2nd, 2004-
Updated my journal,
that's about it. Basically a run down of the semester, hopefully it will be introspective and interesting, and most of all slightly humorous. I hope you enjoy it, since if you see this update you've no doubt been checking for them for quite some time. Thanks alot, I really appreciate you. Send me an email, maybe we can get together over the summer and talk. I'm serious...I'd love to get to know my fans.

April 12th, 2004-
Updated my journal and
fixed the sword fights. Check them out in the fun with photos area.

April 4th, 2004-
Updated my journal and
archived the old news in the archives. Been awhile since I updated, but alot has been going, nothing isn't anything so I guess I'm not really lying. Actually, I've really just been lazy about updating something really, really funny (I think, anyway). It's the sword fight and the sword fight 2, and that's over in the fun with photography section. This was a blast to do, but a pain in the ass to post. Appreciate it prease.



Good. You know your music. You should be able to
work at Championship Vinyl with Rob, Dick and

Do You Know Your Music (Sorry MTV Generation I Doubt You Can Handle This One)
brought to you by Quizilla

Too much sass fo' class...



pass the rock foo