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Pteropus Vampyrus

Where I obtained my information (I put very little information from this site on my web page.)

(Just so you know, I study and read up on bats as a hobby) The Pteropus Vampyrus, or the Vampire Bat, is a fasinating creature. This spices' habitat is just about anywhere with a warm climate and a place with where they can shield themselves from sunlight, so you won't find these creatures in the desert or the arctic. Like I had stated, these bats would live any place that is warm and away from sunlight, but recent studies show their usual place of habitat is in Southern Burma, Thailand, Indochina, Peninsuela Malaysia, Bornea, The Philippines, Java, Lesser Sundas, and the Adjacent islands. (Richarz, N/D.) The vampire bat's eating habits are rare considered rare among other animals. These creatures eat normal foods that an herbivore would eat, such as fruits like kiwi, grapes, and mangoes, as well as vegetables like spinach, sweet corn, kale, and sweet potatoes. But these type of bats usually drink the blood of small mammals and poultry. (There hardly had been any reports of bats directly drinking human blood.)(Richarz, N/D) If that's not amazing enough, just one of these little guys could eat in between 1500 to 6500 mosquitoes and oter insects a night! If that's not amazing enough, this spieces also have an excelent sense of sight and sound in pitch black darkness(duh!) and like dolphins, they communicate with high frequency sound waves. They also sleep during the day and roam about at night. So why these type of bats on the brink of extiction if they are found all around the world? Well since this type of bat is found all over the place, it's easier for poachers to shoot them when they are nocturnally exposed. When these bats are killed, their teeth are used as souvenirs and as a product to make necklaces (out of bat teeth)that are shiped out to South Africa to bee distributed in that native land (since there is no law in Africa against the killing of bats of profit.) There is no specific way to stop this species from dying out, but one possible way to a cause of preventing poachers from killing these helpless bats, and that is by calling the local animal police whenever you see something like a bat being killed without good reason.