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Some Palace Stuff :::

Menu :
.: Home
.: Downloads
.: My Music
.: About me
.: Contact me
Hyperlinks :
.: Google
.: Download
.: The Hunger Site
.: Logistix Web
Buttons :
Button #1
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Button #3

Something special now released! Oct. 13 `01
 Welp.. Something Special was sent to OSWD today. I tried not to put any CSS in it, and leaving it up to you if you want to add any in or not. I was trying to experiment with other colors, but I usually always seem to find myself back at blue.. maybe you can come up with something that fits your color specs.

 I tried to mark where each menu ends and begins, to give you a better sense of where you're at, and be able to add/edit, or delete menus. The same gos with the news menu, i'm horrible at coming up with a decent look for the main content, so you may want to change it if it isn't really your taste.

Just some filler Oct. 13 `01
 I don't like fillers, and obviesly neither do you.. but I suck at just writing whatever.. so you're just going to have to accept that. Also you need to see what it looks like with multiple news postings.. so here ya go.

Even more filler. Oct. 13 `01
 I don't like fillers, and obviesly neither do you.. but I suck at just writing whatever.. so you're just going to have to accept that. Also you need to see what it looks like with multiple news postings.. so here ya go.

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