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Welcome to the Jungle baby, you're gonna die!!!! ZIZZERY!!!!

And a "blanter" to all of you today. As you can see i am updating my site for some reason that i don't want to understand. Don't you hate when you fall asleep and then there's a bug on my face? I have a plan sooo diabolical that my HEAD would explode if i even BEGAN i know what it is i was talking about. How the fuck do you make cell phones!!?? some guy's just sitting there hitting a peice of plastic with a hammer, then he's all, "alright, phone's done! Ya, you can talk to someone in china now. there it is, i'm done building it, now that i'm done, you just press these buttons that i put on there and you'll be talking to someone in china. go ahead." WHAT THE FUCK!!?? And WHAT THE FUCK IS FOOTBALL!!?? If you were a hot dog, and you were starving, would you eat yourself? You would? Good answer, that's exactly what i was thinking. Put some tard on there, it'd be nice. I think i'd eat my shoulders first. it seems like it would be the best part. I would hate to be the guy that built one of those big ass cruise boats, just hitting nails with a hammer. The Prince of Persia is a cool game, i played it at danny's house. SIGN THE GUESTBOOK NOW JACKASS!!!!!! or i'll stabe you in tha throat. oh ya, i appearently can make guestbooks and stuff, so sign it so i can go over it later. a fine "thob" to you all, i bid you adoo everyone else likes to tip toe around the issues, but not me! everyone was afraid to talk about the dinosaur that attacked boston. keep checking in to keep up-to-date on the real issues. i.e. dinosaur attacks, and buried treasure that i found one time at the beach but it was actually an urn with some dead guys ashes in it. and how honda is building robots. WHAT THE FUCK!!?? Honda is fucking building robots and shit, they walk around and what not. i'm telling you man, these little robot shits are gonna take us over in the future. probably tomorrow. so everyone should sell all their worldly possesions to buy food for the robot revolution fallout. go now!! if i even see one of those robots walking around at safeway or something, shopping and shit, i'm gonna kick it so hard in it's robot nards. fuck robots. this is fred durst this is fred astaire Those pumpkin seed things are waaaayy too hard to eat than they are tasty. the work you put in to eating those fucking seeds is not worth the flavor. i could see if it was a taste explosion of some sort i would understand, but the flavor is not exactly explosive in anyway. that's just what i think. food needs to be easy, that's why we eat sandwiches. you wouldn't sit down and eat all that shit on a plate. like pop tarts, those are easy. that's why i eat those and not pumpkin seeds. Oh ya, would you eat a peice of shit for six billion dollars? cause i would. if you wouldn't then you're probably a closet homosexual. have you ever met anyone that doesn't like pizza? i was just thinking about that. i was never like, "hey, do you want some pizza?" and someone say, "naw man, i don't really like pizza." if anyone ever told that to my face i would punch him in tha nards. dessert pizza is soooo dialed. Bobobbery let it be known that i have successfully built the worlds first helper robot. i made it out of foil old chinese news papers, and apple cores. it works like a charm and it does a little happy dance when i'm feelin' a little down. one time in hawaii i fell asleep naked on my stomach, and in the morning, when i went to go piss, my weiner was stuck to myself and i ended up pissing all over myself. and one time at mcdonalds, me and scotty were pissing and there was a 10 inch long brown hair wrapped around my penis. and i was all,"hey scotty, look at this" and he didn't look. oh well, i saw it, it was real.

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top five best new words i made

these sites are good to go to sometimes. good charlette is awesome

i heard this band is really good. and i heard their lead guitar player is the coolest guy ever. you should check them out
i want to have sex with greg a lot
check when you're gonna die. the deathclock never lies too much.
the cowboy days are haggard. i wouldnt want to live back then
