Hi and welcome to my Pink Floyd fan interest page, i would like to start with, Pink Floyd being one of the greatest band of man kind along with the one and only Steve Vai and possibly Rage Against The Machine *only like the first album* ... I have been an on and off fan of Pink Floyd (not so musch off, just hadent listened to their music for about over half a year). Anywho, quite alot of the Pink Floyd songs i don't much apreciate *I don't hate them, just don't paticually like them either* like some of the ones on Division Bell where the got the women singing in it, if they never had the women in it then i'd quite like those songs, i expecialy like High Hopes, like when i started to become a fan of P F i was searching the internet for random stuff and came across a site which was playing a midi and i wanted to know what it was called! i tryed to find out what it was called so i could buy the album or download the mp3 off the internet but the site didn't tell me what it was called so then i got a brilliant idea... i went view source and looked for the background music and found out that the midi was called High Hopes!!!*The midi version reminds me of a castle or video game* Then i downloaded it from allofmp3.com *cause they used to give out free music funnely enough*, in all i downloaded over 100 Pink Floyd mp3s but then one day i deleted them cause i was anoyed but i didn' remove them from the recycle bin i just deleted them from my documents so if i was too restore all, so eventually i was about to do that and for some reason all the files were gone but on the thing where it tells you how many files you got in the recycle bin it saide i had 138 files which off course were my mp3'z!!! so even though they were in the recycle bin i couldn't gain access to them ever again! *also AllOfMp3.com is no longer free, sadly!*

***My computer is soo shit!!! but now i've rebooted it:)***

Their music is great aswell, that's what got me interested in Electrical Guitars *NOT acoustic*, David Gilmour is an amazing guitarist and so is Steve Vai, in fact one of the first fings i learned was High Hopes *Crazy High Hopes Obsesion* well only the main music not the outro, though i tryed to figure out the outro at one point, got quite far.... Oh yeah, One of these Day and Echoes is what got me into Pink Floyd, i was listening to it at a certain Chris's house *once i was stuck their all on my poor poor own and had nothing to do and i didn't want too fall asleep because they would see me in the morning just randomly broken into their house so i had too stay awake so i could leave when it starts to get light, so i put echoes on and listened too it for about 2 1/2 hours then i got picked up!!!*, Chris is a hippy guitarist for Saffire which they changed to StrawDogs and then too ClearCut Ice! They are featured on dragon-bands.co.uk!

Well i'll sut up (for now)!!!

I have taken the liberty to upload theHigh Hopes Mp3 just cause i know how anoying it is not to get what you want, well in my opinion the more you wait the more happy you are when you finally get what you wanted! let me just remind you that this file is about 7.39 MB and will take some time to download...

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