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No, no, go away... You made a wrong turn somewhere.

Sooo.... You've come upon my website, and I'm sure it was by mistake, but you're here... and I can't really do much of anything about that. I'm going to let you in on some of my insight, my thoughts. My name is Katie and I like to write.
The "Things that I Dislike" List
1) Government Interference: In people's day to day lives - every day some pea-brained politician dreams up a new regulation (usually based on a survey of 0.0001% of the entire population.). The proposal is then 'justified' by arbitrary predicted 'savings' - the number of lives, taxpayer's dollars, reductions in crime, health benefits, social benefits etc. etc. The first thing a newly elected Government does - is to raise their salaries. Few politicians actually represent their electorate, most are only interested in self-preservation and "what's in for me". On a scale of 1 to 10, I would rate criminals at 1, politicians as zero! None have a clue what it is like to live in the real world because only the wealthy are ever elected.

2) Assumptions: Many people seem to have pre-conceived notions that immediately spring forth whenever they hear a 'trigger word'. They ask a person's job then assume the answer to be a life-long occupation. Mention unemployment and they conjure visions of laziness, ignorance, misfits, social leeches etc. Say 'unmarried' and many assume it to mean 'gay'. By far the worst examples are the 'anti-' brigades:- Greenies, anti-Abortion, anti-Smoking, anti-Logging, anti-Asian, anti-Immigration etc etc.

3) Tourists: People who go to foreign countries - stay in 4 or 5 star hotels, traverse the  countryside in air-conditioned buses, private taxis or limousines etc - only visit all the 'important' (major) tourist sights then return home claiming that they have "seen India", "seen Indonesia", "seen Europe" etc. In point of fact, they saw nothing of the real country or how the ordinary citizens live. To give a fair opinion of any country, you must spend at least two months living with a local family.

4) People who have never toured their own country: What answers do you give foreigners when they ask questions about your country? Worst still, are those people who have remained their entire life within 50kms of their birthplace. How can anyone truly appreciate what they have ... when they've nothing to compare it with, except the selected images of foreign lands shown on television? You will never know know how well-off you are, until you've seen how others live.

5) Women who 'farm out' their children: To nannies or baby-sitters while pursuing 'their career'. Husbands who sit alone in pubs advocating the joys of marriage to listeners who are still single. People who talk incessantly about their 'wonderful' children and usually spoil them rotten. Single mothers who have numerous kids despite being unmarried, then remain on Social Security for the rest of their lives. I can perhaps sympathise with an unmarried mom with an un-planned baby - but not if they've got 3 or 4 from different men. Once is a mistake. Two or more is a fucking disgrace!

6) Grammar and Other Language Errors: Now if it's one thing I love, it's to write, so you may be able to absorb some of the my pain when I see that good people -- wonderful people -- are being guilty of misspelling the simplest words. These grammatically challenged folks are also red handed of the, misplacement, of, commas. This, my friend, drives me nuts. Because not only can I read it, but I am appauled at the fact that these people are still living today. Why do people pronounce the "T" in 'often'? And why, oh why, do some idiots pronounce the "E" in 'solitaire'? And how do you pronounce those lovely Roman noodles' name?

7) The enormous salaries paid to so many 'famous' musicians, actors, sporting competitors, politicians, and some company chiefs. It's ridiculous that a 2 hour game of golf/ tennis/ boxing etc. can make the winner an instant millionaire - yet the World has millions of people dying from starvation because they cannot afford a loaf of bread. When a radio announcer (John Laws) can earn 6 MILLION dollars in a year (2000)- it just shows how crazy salaries have become. You wont hear them complain except for moans about taxes and 'dole bludgers'.

8) Religious zealots who scour the globe looking for places to impose their germs, diseases, money-grubbing culture and bigoted doctrine. They brainwash previously happy and innocent societies. These scum-of-the-earth term themselves as 'Christian missionaries'. History proves that bible bashers were responsible for destroying the social values of many native cultures. They have caused more wars & conflicts than any other group on this earth! I despise and loathe them for what they continue doing.You'll never catch Buddhists forcing their teachings on the 'un-enlightened'. If the previous statement sounds objectionable - tough shit - it's meant to be!!. It's absolutely abhorrent that so many Catholic priests have been actively molesting children while proclaiming to represent 'Christian values. You would be hard pressed to find more loathesome individuals than those hypocritical church leaders.

9) Built-in obsolescence: Things that you buy with a built-in failure factor that are un- repairable due to "... lack of parts" or " ...will cost more than it's worth". Goods manufactured to be 'disposable' - classic examples are paper nappies, shaving razors, spray cans and anything electronic. I once heard that Japan has no second hand shops because the people wont buy 'used goods'. I think manufacturers wish the whole world was like them. I stongly believe in recycling everything and patronising 'opportunity' and second-hand shops!

10) Miscellaneous Moans: Microsoft and Bill Gates vision for the computer industry (Gawd help us!), Rap Music (a load of shit!), Shampoo and Conditioner in one bottle (Oh, the tangles!), Tele-Sales people (talk garbage - sell garbage), Virtually all TV Soaps (yawn!), People who repeat themselves(Yes, these people suck, these people suck), Those Get-rich-quick schemes (more bullshit), Real Estate Agents and Lawyers (parasites on society), Burned grilled cheese sandwiches(it's just a shame, and you know it's no use scratching the burn off with a butter knife either), Car Salesmen (professional liars), Social workers (and all other do-gooders ), Wicker (it makes your thighs look like waffles), Diets (waste of time), Fast Food (why pay to eat cardboard?), Art/Theatre and Wine Critics (self-opinionated blow-hards), Activists, Terrorists (wages war on the innocent. These days, Americans label anyone who doesn't agree with them as 'terrorists'). Well... these are a few of what I dislike. You may not agree, but 'different strokes for different folks'.

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How low can one get? Wanting their
photo to be rated high as their self esteem
varies on what members comment. It's
disgusting!!... ahem... my account is Normal Deviant...

We must... We must... We must increase our bust!

Unhand that poor toad, you fat redneck bastard