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The Golden Mantella



Mantella's come from only Madagascar.  The golden mantella is bright yellow to orange and is the size of a quarter ( About 2.5 cm).  The golden mantella is not toxic but is colored as though it is.  Unlike most amphibians mantella's lack webbed feet. 



    So the best enclosure for a couple of these frogs would be in a 15 gallon aquarium with a tons of plants and a shallow water dish. Keep the temperature at around 75-78 degrees during the day and at night around 70-74 degrees.  The enclosure has to be very moist and humid.  Moss is the best substrate to use. Always keep the moss damp.


The golden mantella eats fruit flies, ant, tiny crickets, termites and aphids.  Dust the insects once a week.  Breeding crickets before you get your mantella is a very good idea.



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