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News & Updates
7/29/05 - My Birthday Tomorrow! ....and still moving
Yes, tomorrow, the Chris is 22 years of old. But I still feel young. I'm eating healthier (trying anyways.... minus the Taco Bell today....). And I got presents from Naomi! She got me Super Mario 64 DS and Zoo Keeper for the Nintendo DS!
Don't mind the "itunes looking thing" at the top. I was just trying something new where I would upload a song that I think people should hear/download. The player looks out of place so I'll prolly take that down.
I'm sorta running on the new server now. For now just come here like you normally do as I'm still updating the news here. But, the new FWC boards are up and running. Don't mind the color scheme; I'm working on it; it's confusing; changing the colors; that is. SEMI-COLON'D
7/28/05 - Moving will moving soon. I signed up with dot5hosting recently and will be making the move soon. Hooray for getting off of the limited server that is angelfire! This will include a new board too. Oh, and I'm trying to make it where no matter what address you type in(sp=fuury or furry), you'll get the same site. But the official way will still be with 2 "u"s.
7/27/05 - What's up!
The Boards are down.... :( Not like anybody misses them though so it's all good. I'll probably just hold off on the forum until I move to a new server that supports phpbb boards (fully customizable ones!)
I'm finally going to start finishing up my Flash Resume that I started like at the begining of the year. I got it back from my friends computer this past Sunday and now I can work on it from home.
No FWC stuff right now...
7/19/05 - Hits???
Not much to update on today, but I was looking at stats for the site and I found out that there were 22 hits yesterday alone and 248 hits this month. Thank you so much to those who come here.
You can click on the "Games" link now! For now, there just going to be a collection of games I find online that I feel like sharing with you. If you have played any of the games and have beat my high score, I'd love to know. Send me an e-mail with a screen shot of your high score.
I totally forgot about the guest book and "The Matt Says"!!! Well, it's back! Hope you all are happy :)
7/14/05 - Return From Camp
Matty and I returned safe and sound from Camp Kulaqua yesterday. God was really moving this week at camp as we saw many students receive salvation and turn their focus to Him. I just pray that no one left their experiences back at camp.
Chris would like to give a shout out to his cabin mates. "What's up Tommy, Cole, Leonard, Stephen, John, Kurt, and the Zacks!
7/8/05 - Return of the Robo Squirrel. Camp tomorrow!
We're making yet another home page. It'll have a familiar face on the front along with new animations and features. Stay tuned!
Summer Camp is tomorrow! Chris is going as a counselor for JV and Matty is going to be playing bass in the worship band. So we'll be out 'till next Wednesday. See ya then!
7/7/05 - Free XBOX 360
Click on the banner below for a link to It's the latest "free gift" website from The Gratis Network, the original (and most trusted) creator of the site. I've been using their system since the begining of this year and so far have received a Mac Mini and a Nintendo DS from them. How would you like to own the next XBOX for next to nothing? Contact me (Chris) and I'll be more than happy to help you figure out how to do it. "How can they give away a system that's not even out yet?", you ask. Well, they can't. But, being that it doesn't come out until later this year (November, I think), you can get a head start at it.
7/6/05 - News Box
Hey everyone! Chris here. I thought I'd put in this here little news update... box... thing.
I've almost obtained every piece of the FWC puzzle. I've finally received the Mac Mini from Now I'm waiting to get my internet hooked up at home so I can start updating from home.

Let me run down the vast amount of things to do while you're here....
First we have the Forums. Please, everyone come in and get to know each other. We'll have a grand ol' time!
Secondly, we have our Pure Volume page. There's nothing there yet (big surprise, I know.) But we're working on our first single now so hold your breath (or don't).
Then we have Chris' Resume. It's there for your viewing pleasure. (HIRE ME!)
Lastly, we have my page of Free Stuff. It's basicly a list of all the sites I have signed up to and my progress on each one. Also there's a link to each site so you can get started yourself. If you have any questions about those you can try and contact me on AIM (link below).

I saw Batman Begins on Sunday. I've been super hyped for this movie since learning about it last year. I don't know why being that I've never been a Batman fan. Probably because I think all the Batman movies prior to this were just crap. Or maybe because I like Christian Bale as an actor (You must see Equilibrium).
In Music News...
Demon Hunter will be recording their 3rd album this summer. This is taken from their website: Hunters!! DH III is in the works and we have over half of the album written! We are more excited about this material than ever before. We can't wait for everyone to hear it. New songs include "Fire To My Soul," "Not I" and "The Soldier's Song."
For those who follow wrestling, WWE made 17 cuts today. They are: Mark Jindrak, Maven, Shannon Moore, James Yun (Akio), David Heath (Gangrel), Billy Kidman, Spike Dudley, Kevin Fertig (formerly Mordechai), All 3 Dudleys (Bubba, Devon, & Spike), Charlie Haas, Jackie Gayda, Dawn Marie, Marty Jannetty, Matt Morgan, and Kenzo Suzuki. Man that's crazy....
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FuuryWoodlandCreatures est. 2003