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Bugman Steve

Why "Bugman Steve"? My partner Andy has this little jingle called "My boyfriend likes bugs" because I frequently send him headlines on bugs and stuff that make the news. So, I thought it would be fitting to adopt this name, especially since angelfire had the word "bug" in their domain!


Age: 33

Height: 6’

Decent: Irish, Polish, German and Slovak

City I call home: Cleveland, Ohio (Lakewood, to be exact)

Trademark: Checkered button-down shirts……LOVE ‘EM!

I come from a working class family and grew up on a small chicken farm (obviously not in the City of Cleveland). After high school, I ventured out of my farm town and started college. Now, 14 years later after high school graduation, I am the proud owner of two pieces of paper that say bachelor’s degree and master’s degree. I still consider myself to be “white trash”, but I am white trash that can put degree initials after my name :-p…… Seriously, “it ain’t but a thing”. I have known people with Ph.D.’s who have no common sense at all, so a degree does not mean you are smart.

I work in higher education as an academic advisor (that means I help students decide what they want to be when they grow up….and many college students have a lot of growing up to do!). I tried teaching in the inner-city, but I value my life too much. The way things are going these days though, you are just as much in danger at a college or university as you are in high schools. This is quite sad.



This is a picture of my beautiful partner Andy. Okay, I am going to be mushy here, but that is okay because I want everyone to know what he means to me. Andy is the light of my life. His cheerfulness and positive outlook on all things is the antibody for any negativity in my life. His love and passion for the little things in this world is contagious. His extra extraversion is the antidote for my shell-like intraversion. He is fun to be around and is such a lovable person. I can recall no day in my life with him where he has not made me smile, even on days when things have not been so great between us, as all couples go through. He makes me a better human being because he makes me think about how I look at others and how I look at the world and life in general. He is the objective cornerstone in my life. He is my best friend and a part of my soul. The icing on the cake is that he is such a hottie!!!!! I love his tree-trunk legs!!!!!!! Thanks to Andy’s parents for making him bike from Canada to Buffalo, NY every day that one summer!






Online contacts:

AOL Screen name - mursesteve(not on here that often)

MSN Screen name - ribosomesteve (on here more than AOL)

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