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Author: Asen Panev

The "materia medica" in the university education necessitates good textbook for the students medics. The contents here, both in volume and presentation, follows the outlines of a study curriculum. Efforts were pointed, towards, a narrative in a concise and digest manner. Also, the material have been illustrated with original /i.e., at first had/ demonstrative matter - characteristic of the health care situation at the moment. The author's endeavor has been to combine, modern organizational methods of health work - with - soviet approach as educational guideline.

The propadeuetic character of the book makes it profitable to use in several sectors of medical education, viz. therapeutic, sanitary-hygienic, epidemiological, etc. The material presented in the chapters is self-contained, so that each part is separately adequate for instructive purposes /i.e., a modular principle is sufficient for this introductory text/. Further, while it is written for medical students, some other categories of readers can find it useful - notably, the physicians from the primary health care.

As a first professional attempt to unite social hygiene knowledge in the country /N.B., there wasn't a separate "chair of social hygiene" in the country before World War II, while, the disciples of the speciality were in the realm of the hygiene science/, the textbook deserve to be accepted with satisfaction and gratitude.



Part One: History of health care

Chapter 1. Historical development of health care in the bourgeoisie-capitalist countries

Chapter 2. Health care in the USSR

Chapter 3. The origins of modern soviet health care in the former Russian Empire

Chapter 4. Outline of Bulgarian health care in modern times

Part Two: Sanitary status of the general population

Chapter 5. Sanitary statistics

Chapter 6. Sanitary demography

Chapter 7. Cross-sectional parameters of disease

Chapter 8. Anthropometrics of the population

Part Three: Health care organization

Chapter 9. Organizational basis and organs of health care

Chapter 10. Structure of the district /municipal/ hospital

Chapter 11. Organization in the health resorts

Chapter 12. Dispensaries. Dispensary method

Chapter 13. Health care at the industrial enterprise

Chapter 14. Problems of motherhood and childhood

Chapter 15. Infantine medical establishments

Chapter 16. Hygiene-epidemiological inspectorates

Chapter 17. Health education

Chapter 18. Rural hygiene

Chapter 19. Structure and function of the state health ministry

Chapter 20. Medical ethics