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#1 - The Cleanup

This is the start of our journey.

Brianna and Nicole both happily show off their freshly painted nails.

The Crisis! "Which nailpolish should I use?!" says Brianna.

The tragedy! Brianna knocks over the nailpolsh, and it clings to the floor for it's dear life.

While Brianna was shocked of her mistake, Nicole is trippin! "Why I outta..!" says Nicole.

Solution #1: Carpet Cleaner.

Two hours later, Brianna is still working on getting up this mess with the carpet cleaner.

Solution #2: Licking up the nailpolish.

After trying for hours on in, Brianna and Nicole are very worn out. They both take a break and relax.

Solution #3: Cutting up the nailpolish.

Brianna makes a large effort to cut out the nailpolish, but sadly fails.

After a long days work, the two young ladies (Brianna and Nicole), pass out, and venture off into their own little dream land.

Written and Produced by: Nicole & Brianna