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Well the seeds for what is now known as Some Like It Hot! were sewn way back in October of 1997 I(Kyle) had just recently bought a new (to me anyway) bass guitar and was desperately seeking someone to jam with. I couldn't find anyone so I decided to "borrow" a snare drum from school. Dennis was always interested in drumming and jumped at the chance to play. So we headed to my basement with a snare drum a bass and a fifteen watt guitar amp. As time went on we found a guitar player who equally sucked named lloyd. We were as happy as flies in shit. Still with only a snare drum for precussion but I finally got a real bass amp. At about this time in my first year of high school I was approached by an older looking kid who threatened me and called me awful names like poseur. At that time I was very upset and also a little scared of this kid named Ryan. Well It was about March break now and Dennis finally got a kick drum and a tom. We played our first public show at a teen dance in castlgreen. we were not scheduled to play but showed up anyway. I guess they felt really sorry for us because we got to play. It took alot of persuading though. Max & The Midnight Riders made there debut, it was an instrumental duo of bass and drums. We actually got some kids dancing but for the most part it was a very embarassing day. As bad as we sucked (still do I guess) We had a lot of fun playing (still do). In that summer wefound a place to practice. It was the rink shack in castlegreen. The totally concrete building provided some really good accoustics. We never had alot of money for equipment (still dont) but we were very resourceful. Using earphones for mics and boards and sticks for stands just to name a few examples. We played one more "show" that year at the Canada Day talent show in castlgreen, we wowed the crowd with our only original song at the time. The circle A was a pathetic hardcore anarchist ditty that we still occasionally play if you ask us the right way. That whole summer was spent just making noise. A year has gone by and we were still a duo. That changed when Phat Matt and Willy C were brought in to bring a guitar element into the fold. Armed with a couple o' guitars we were ready for the big time! Remeber that kid Ryan who harassed me. Well guess what? He joined the band too! And with one foul swoop our lil two peice hardcore band turned into a five piece band that played Green Day and Blink 182 covers not bad but not my cup o tea. Unfortunately this line-up was too jumbled and our music tastes clashed. Evenually Matt and Will were phased out. Now we were a happy three piece again. We took a bit of a break for about two months when Ryan went to rehab. Before you knew it though we were back on the war path again combating the worlds injustices with hardcore mayhem(those of you who only heard our present stuff would be suprised to hear we were a bordeline thrash band) During the winters we really didnt practice that much becuase none of our houses proveded adequate practise space. Soon enough summer came along and we returned to our temple of terror otherwise known as th castlgreen fieldhouse. The summer of 99 was when we really got our shit together (by uor standards at least). We were slowly progressing to a more melodic sound that was downright poppy at times. This sound has pretty much stuck with us ever since. We still didnt get any shows but it wasnt unusual for us to jam twenty our thirty people in the fieldhouse to watch us play. Again the concrete walls provided some deadly accoustics. We did end up playing at the Canada Day talent show. This time we actually got some people into our music. At the time we had a ska infuence(since been discarded) and all the songs we played with the exception of our brews cover were ska based. We really got down op ivy's unity and the kids just loved it. Its now the end of july and we finally landed our first gig with classic rockers Electric Angels at the office. The show wasnt all ages so none of our friends could be there to witness the spectacle of Bedlam 69's(as we were then known as) first show. We thought we would get booed of the stage and were especially scared when we were approached by a rather angry looking biker. We were however suprised at how well received our set was, andf very releived to find out that the seedy looking biker merely wanted to request some songs ( we happily obliged), Not much happened the rest of the summer. The only thing I remember was a biiiiiiig fight erupted between me and Ryan when I wanted to start a ska band. This issue was quickly resolved and we kissed! fucked!?! and made-up! Things started to settle down after that and not much happened. At this point we were ( and still are) relatively unknown to the local punk scene. Despite our sometimes eccentric and downright crazy personality(we've all been dumped for being too weird before) we are all really shy when it comes down to it. We finally got the nerve to play open stage at 201 syndicate. At the open stage we got a chance to play in front of some people and get some word out about this weird sounding almost poppy but not quite punk band. More importantly than that we met a great chick named Rose ( I heard some bullshit Rose bashing lately but she really does help a lot and for the record some like it hot love her. I forgot to mention that sometime around our first open stage we changed our name) Now playing these almost shows were fun but we still yearned for a real show. Now I'm being very forgetful and forgot to mention that in January we recorded our first C.D.. Back to the show issue, Ryan approched Rose about staging a Thirty Hour Famine benefit show after some careful planning hard work and too many line up changes to mention April 15 finally arrived and it was Some Like It Hot!'s time to shine (almost). The show was a reasonable success raising $350.00 for starving children around the world although that was a great figure I still would have liked to raise more for this worthwhile cause. I am really proud of doing this benefit show because it really shows that punks still have a social conscience. Personally at this point I would much rather play for a cause then to make money for myself! At the time of our show we finally got around to making copies of our C.D.!(insert plug here). Well not much has happened since actually we havent even practiced once since the show but look out for us in the very near future! If you are still reading this good for you contact me and I'll seriously get you a prize! I guess thats basically it for our bands story I forgot to mention some really juicy stuff but if you ask me nicely I might just tell you I dont know we'll see.I know this is more of a timeline then a bio but what are ya gonna do eh? Well I guess I'll pick up where I left off. Things kinda went downhill in about may for us, we were all frusterated because we had nowhere to practice and we all wanted the band to go in different directions. Up to this point we were never about making good music, we just wanted an outlet for our energies and to most of all have a rockin good time. Well Ryan is a very ambitious person so he was very eager for us to take it a step up and be a "real" band. This was a very good idea except that me and Dennis were less than enthused about being serious. We decided to start up a side project that would just be about having fun again and screw all that technical stuff about sounding good. With all these factors in place the stage is now set for the big break-up. Well first of all I'd like to point out that there were little animosities between us personally but we just felt it wasn't in our best interest to keep the band. Out of the death of Some Like It Hot!! Rose John Rafferdy's A.M. Radio Allstars we really sucked but didn't care, it was fun!!! but a few shows of us making an ass of ourselves really was enough. That band was doomed for failure from day one, Now all of us were lacking a band, Mike and Rose wanted to be in a band too so in comes the Jon Benet Death Grip!!!! Our vision was to set up a good stage band but there were just way too many problems with an eight member band so jon benet death grip died as quick as it started. So here we are back at square one with no band. The very first open stage came around and me, Dennis, Ed and Chris went on stage and made complete asses of ourselves, It was the most embarassing thing in my life. That same night after some prodding I finally convinced Ryan to come up and play some old Some Like It Hot songs, it sounded less than good, to say we were bad would quite cut it either but we had fun!!! With the death of Jon Benet Death Grip ther was an open slate at an upcoming show so after some consultation we figured Some Like It Hot! Should fill that void so the rebirth begins....