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SelfCentered, Lamecore Gurlrock.

Consisting of four ugly kids sporting clothes and haircuts your mother would'nt wear, SelfCentered boasts songs about girls and/or the lack of. Their wussy, melodic style backed by powerful vocals and strong melodies gives this band a characteristic that easily finds a place in everyones heart. Odd coloured hair and unpredictable stage antics make SelfCentered an exibit of its own.

Matt Silver - Vocals. Dano Levesque - Guitar, vocals. Chris Nielsen - Bass, vocals. Ben St. Pierre - Drums.

Links of stuff.

SelfCentered Bios.
The Board of Messageness.
SelfCentered Lyrics.
The Thankyou's of SC.
Our Links & Hookups.
SC Guestbook.