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Shaun of the Dead - Chicago style (deep dish)

On August 16th, Tom Fuchs and I went to Chicago for a screening of Shaun of the Dead. The film not only is destined to become a classic, it is bound to shock the box office. This film is going to be a much larger hit here in the states than anyone is predicting, because the film not only has buzz going for it, but it is a masterpiece. An airtight script combined with confident directing and perfect acting add up to make this movie timeless. Fuchs and I are huge fans of Spaced and while we do have multiregional DVD players, we will see Shaun of the Dead countless times in US theaters, because that is the way the movie NEEDS to be seen. Pegg and Frost deserve to have their mugs projected on screens throughout the nation, and Americans need to see those tiny facial details that would be lost on a smaller television screen. Tom decided to wear his shirt that stated his position on censorship, and because of that, I'm putting up the pictures of him with our heroes and comedic saviors, as opposed to my black and whites with the boys. I won't put up his picture with Edgar, only out of respect to Mr. Wright, who I'm sure doesn't want pictures of him looking slackjawed, hammered, and overall befuddled posted on the internet just yet. Look at that picture of Fuchs and Frost. Just look at it. See Shaun of the Dead on Septmeber 24th. Keep looking at that picture. Damn.