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Position Of Authority

Who are we?

It all started one day when the horendous invention of punk rock came streaming like a meteorite to the earth. If you asked me why Position Of Authority is even around I'd say, "It's 5a.m. get the hell out of my house! And quit spraying me with that garden hose!" But anyway ill give a brief explination of our band. We aren't "very talented", and we aren't "very attractive", nor do we "bathe" but if those are neccassary to make music, well then Sting would've been out of a job, long, long ago. We write songs and we enjoy doing it. We rarely fight, except with baseball bats and hand grenades. We all get along well ,except for the instances where Jake will drop his pants while Alex and Teddy are trying to pick up chicks.

Heres a couple bands we've played with:

T A F (murderous pirates)
The Bertha Incident (meat beaters extrodanaire)
