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Upcoming Shows:

April 28th – LAST SHOW EVER!!! Wednesday night of 15th week we will do a show in the WADS music room in the basement as a tribute to where we started 3 years ago. Tentatively 8pm. Come say goodbye to us as we bid farewell to all of you awesome fans that kept us going as we rocked this campus in the name of SKA.

Past Shows:

3/12/04 CD Release Party with Techmo Superbowl, Keep Right and The Hypocrites

We released our new CD “Atkin’s Enforcers” with the help of our friends. It was a fun show, with Skanktron MC-ing the event. There were probably around 125 people there and we sold a bunch of CDs.

2/5/04 House Party at the Basement with the Hypocrites

It’s always fun doing parties and playing for our friends.

2/4/04 Big Band Bash

We played our new song. We rocked. We got third place. oh well.

1/24/04 RESLIFE show with Inner Recipe in the Wad's Cafeteria

This was our first show of 2004. It went allright except for SLS being total buttholes about sound and not giving us monitors and not doing a soundcheck. About 75 people were there and we rocked out and the crowd danced the whole time. Adam was back and made it looked like he never missed a show. Alex also joined us on trombone, so the horn section was louder and better than ever. We busted out a new instrumental song.

11/08/03 WMTU show with Squirtgun, Vega, the Hypocrites

It was fun to finally be able to play at the exurban. It was a fun show with around 70 people. We did a straight through set, probably one of our tightest. There was lots of energy and lots of crowd skanking. The other bands were sweet, especially Squirtgun. They really rocked out. It was a pleasure opening for them. All of their members complimented us on a good job, especially cool since Mass Giorgini used to play saxaphone for Common Rider. We got the show on video, so hopefully sometime we’ll get some clips online.

11/01/03 – Abass Benefit Concert in DHH with Win Win Situation, Mark Andrasko and the Hypocrites

This was a fun show. There were about 75 people there. The other bands were sweet. John beatboxed Vanilla Ice. Our set was full of energy and the crowd got into and danced along. Jeff wore a Zorro costume and John stripped down to no shirt again. One of these days the ladies are gonna crowd the stage to get at him. John also did an impromptu beatboxing set near the last song. The crowd requested Mario and he did some other jams. It was fun and  DHHC raised $230 for Abass. Way to go everyone that showed up. We also terrorized Taco Bell after the show.

10/18/03 – Level 2 show with Win Win Situation, Tyghtan and the Hubies

It was a good show with a decent turnout. We opened with the theme song from Monty Python’s Quest for the Holy Grail. The other bands were fun too. Skanktron did some dancing in the crowd during the other bands. One guy took too much of a liking to Skanktron.

10/11/03 – Lee’s Off Probation Party with the Hypocrites and Suicide Love Affair

This was our first show of the semester. John was gone (Alan Parenteau filled in) and Austen had to work, but the show turned out good. There were probably 60 some people there. We played 5 songs including a ska version of “Bodies” by Drowning Pool. Then the crowd talked us into playing one more, so we played Let’s Dance which was rough cuz Alan had never practiced that song. Later in the evening, Alan, Marcus and Tony (Suicide Love Affair) goofed around with some screemo-core. Then Russel and Mike joined in and Tony and Marcus did hardcore vocals, which was sweet. Thanks to everyone who came. It was a good time.

4/27/03 - Protest to Free Joe Nievalt, with VSEPR and The Hypocrites

The protest was pretty cool. VSEPR played first and Markku read a speech he had prepared. The Hypocrites then played and even made up a song on stage. We then played and had some fun. Marcus' was sick, but we couldn't get him to puke on stage. Tony talked a bit about the case against Joe and how ridiculous it is. There were about 50 people there. (**NEWS** Joe settled with the RIAA for $17,000 to be paid over 3 years. We did our part.)

4/26/03 - House party with The Hypocrites

This was fun except for the fact that our neighbor called the cops on us and we had to shut the party down before The Hypocrites were done and before we got to play. Oh well. John and Adam (The Death Crew) did do some songs later and it was hilarious.

4/25/03 - Spring Fling at Michigan Tech, with The Hypocrites and others

This was a good show, except Adam and Tony weren't together for several songs. This was Matt Hamel's last show with POA. He has been a great part of this band. Tony got a sunburn, because he's ultrawhite. The Hypocrites did a cover of Pisst, and it was funny. Noah forgot the words and we made fun of him. There were probably about 40-50 people who saw us play.

3/28/03 - MUB with Hudson Chase

This day had like the worst weather ever. Only a few people were there, mostly our friends, like maybe 15 people, less than a house show. The MUBboard made people stand away from the band and this contributed to probably our worst show ever. John started to beatbox then quit. We screwed up many times and Tony forgot the words to many of the songs. Oh well, I guess it was good no one was there.

2/22/03 - MUB Showcase with lots of bands and other acts

This was a very fun show. There were lots of cool acts and bands. Our set went very well, with lots of people down in front of us dancing and singing along. There were well over 100 people there.

2/12/03 - Winter Carnival All-Nighter in the MUB

Awesome! There was probably about 80 people there, half of them down front dancing. This was our first actual paid gig. Very worth it, seeming how we would play for free. Everyone danced and sang along and had a good time. Gabe did an awesome job as Skanktron. Highlights were John beatboxing in a Twinkie costume and Adam playing "I Still Fail" on Brad's shoulders.

2/1/03 - House Show (Recorded for Live CD)

Oh man do we love house shows. Stuffing forty-fifty people in our small living room, sweating and rocking out. The show was recorded onto John's computer and was made into our Live Album "Skanktron Comes Alive". The quality isn't that bad. The crowd was extra fun this show, yelling stupid and funny things between and during songs. This made us play hard and rock everyone's face. John's cowbell drum solo was definitely a highlight of the evening. Unhighlights were the impromptu EMO song and Tony screwing up the intro. Other than that, it was probably our the most fun show ever.

11/16/02 - WMTU skatepark show with Kid Brother Collective, The Chiodos Bros, Sah and Nobody Likes a Tricycle

This was a very fun show. We played well and supposedly sounded our best yet. We got it on video so you may see some clips up soon. The Chiodos Bros from Flint rocked out. The singer was nuts and flailed about. Much fun. Kid Brother Collective, also from Flint, was super tight. Marcus and Tony and a few other kids danced around up front and even got a song dedicated to them. Kid Brother was very fun. Both of these bands also stayed at the POA house that night and have many crazy stories to tell. Fun was had by all.

11/8/02 - DHH "Rock Your Dorm Off" show with Brisque and DJ's Dubjay and Ghetto Chaplain

We did something that probably has never been done at Tech before. We totally rocked out the campus STUDY LOUNGE in DHH! It was an awesome show. Over 100 people were there. Brisque played first and did a fine job. Especially with the Eminem cover, which was funny. Then John did his beatbox intro. He did Mario Bros, which the crowd enjoyed immensely. Then each member walked up on stage one at a time and joined in a jam song. Tony strolled in wearing his bright green jump suit. Then we rocked the hizzie. Many other crazy antics followed including the "Greatest Drum Solo Ever" in which John got up in the middle of it and ran into the crowd screaming. After our "last" song, the crowd chanted encore, so we were forced to play "When I'm Close To You" to appease the angry mob. Oh yes, their faces were rocked off. Then the DJ's spun some techno and there was a dance party. The crazy raver kids came down with their glowsticks. It was fun.

11/1/02 - Halloween House Party

Man, I can't believe we can pack that many people in our house. It was sweet. Brisque played first for about a half hour. They played some Weezer covers and a few other covers. They rocked. Then we played and got the crowd hoppin. This was Austen's first show with us, and he did very well. Highlights were the CD give away where Wordman ate a Sardine flavored jelly bean and got pisst, but guessed it was anchovies, so he won a CD. And John taking off his shirt cuz it was so hot in our living room.

House Straightedge Party

This show was kind of improv. We just decided to play. Andy and Austen weren't there. We played like 4 songs. Everyone enjoyed it immensely. John was still in his sling cuz he busted his shoulder. He still rocked hard.

4/26/02 - Level 2 Skate Park with Dicchdill and Senor Drool Cup

This show went very well. Sound was good, but not that many people showed up. We rocked face regardless and played possibly one of our better shows. Thanks for showing up if you did, also thanks for buying CD's whoever you are.

4/26/02 - Campus Crusade stage Spring Fling

Review: Man were we bad. I guess a lot of people came out and heard us, which was probably a bad thing. Sound wasn't very good, and some songs didn't turn out as they should have. Not to mention that it was outside and colder than our Winter Carnival show. Bad bad bad, but our picture was on the front page of the Lode

4/19/02 - Bay College Battle of the Bands (Escanaba)

Review: We played on of our better sets. Good amount of energy, lots of high school(?) girls screaming and shit. Some sound problems, and John couldn't do the Wu-Tang intro. We sold a shit load of CD's, but didn't place in the top 5 bands. Some members of the band earned a hollow victory.

2/6/02 - The Big Ass Duck (Winter Carnival All Nighter)

Review: We opened for First Things Last atop the Delta Upsilon snow statue. It was moderately cold, and windy, and I couldn't feel my fingers. There were a ton of people, and Bill Mann doned the Skanktron armor to do robotic battle. The WMTU Crew was there to represent, and we were told that it went pretty well.

Highlights: "Fuck Nazi Sympathy" yelled mid song, Adam's distortion pedal dies half way through a song, 9V battery thrown into crowd, numb fingers, string broken preventing Gummi Bears from being played, drunken Robb Rice

11/10/01 - WMTU Basement show w/ Andore, Old Victoria

Review: We rocked. Everyone said we played well, we thought we played well. The video was sweet, we were glad. If you were there, then your face has been rocked.

Highlights: John kicking his snare drum over and finishing the song with it in his lap, Tony breaking a string 20 seconds into the first song, John doing freestyle beatbox, K-Dawg skanking with Skanktron, Tony's improv song.

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