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*Watching *NSYNC With KB and Bri*

Now we wish your lovely self was here to watch *NSYNC on the television with us, but since you're not, we've put up this informative page to let you IMAGINE what it would be like. We wish we could put up what it would be like watching an *NSYNC concert with us, but since we've never been to one together yet, and only KB has acutally been to one, WE don't even know what tremendous chaos that would be like! But you know what? We'd bet it would be fun! How could you not be entertained as hell? First of all the puppies have short attention spans, so of course everything has to be fast paced and flashy and bright for them, so they would remain entertained and focussed on what they are doing, then you add in us making fun of them, it would be like an entertainment overload! :)

But anyway, there's three things (we own of *NSYNC video material...) we've seen an awful lot of in our VCR's involving (MMC is something totally different this is all 5) *NSYNC Puppies:

The *N The Mix Video

The Disney Concert Special


SNL / Making the Video / Ultrasound (VHS Tape)

Hey we had nothing to do over our spring break, we swear, except sit by the TV and tape the puppies.... riiiiiiiiiiiiight. :) )

And we can tell you all the things we personally find in these videos that just kinda make ya think... and then laugh your ass off... :) So come, join us on the beanbag chair, grab a diet coke and some gummi bears, and prepare to watch some puppies! (By the way we'll be posting our 0-5 Gummi, "Gummi Rating" and that's our system for how entertained we are with this video, or how many gummi bears we threw at the screen, either way, their completely useless we just wanted to look cool like Siskel and Ebert! Or, er, just Ebert...*sob*)

How to Watch the *N The Mix Video:

Gummi Rating: 4 Gummi's, we could watch/mock this all day long, there's just TOO much stuff. Only, if it weren't for those damn screaming girls, our eardrums haven't stopped bleeding from the last time we watched this... Also how many times are they going to play "I Want You Back"?!?!?!?! in that damn video??? 15, we counted...

How to Watch the Disney Concert Special:

Gummi Rating: 4 Gummi's, too much singing and not enough mocking, and at times it gets boring, and they *puke gag* show us Justin FAR FAR too much. Ick. And the screaming girls are BACK! Or rather they never went away, some of them are in this AND *N the Mix... The lovely BIG pants the puppies wear and Harambe try to make up for it, but damn with all that Justin, it's pretty damn hard...

How to Watch SNL / Making the Video / Ultrasound:

Gummi Rating: 3 Gummi's for SNL, the only funny parts in the show are the ones with *NSYNC, and the BEST part is when Joey acts gay, he's SO CUTE even when he's playing gay! 5 Gummi's for Making the Video, we are highly amused by JC fibrillating and Justin looking like a total ass while running, and Chris screwing up the end credits! 2 Gummi's for Ultrasound, we are now bored to death by useless *NSYNC info. and there's not too much to mock, except JC being tight (with his money... :) ).